Title Rimski blagdani i žrtveni prinosi bogovima prema Ovidijevim Fastima (Knjiga 1. i 2.)
Title (english) Roman Festivals and sacrificial offerings to the gods according to Ovid's Fastes (Book I. and II.)
Author Dubravka Bešker
Mentor Nada Bulić (mentor)
Committee member Milenko Lončar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Sorić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nada Bulić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Classical Philology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-03-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Classical Philology
Abstract Cilj ovog diplomskog rada jest pružiti prikaz rimskih festivala zajedno s prigodnim ritualima koje su uključivali. Među ostalim prikazuje i različite žrtve koje su se prinosile u čast bogovima, ponajviše kroz primjere iz prve i druge knjige djela Fasti rimskog pjesnika Publija Ovidija Nazona. S obzirom da je Rimska religija politeistička te ima složeni skup vjerovanja i obrednih radnji te su se Rimljani zbog toga smatrali iznimno religioznim narodom. Fasti je jedno od najposebnijih djela rimske knjižvnosti. Napisano je u šest knjiga za šest mjeseci u godini, a u njemu nam Ovidije predstavlja rimski kalendar opisujući dan po dan rimske blagdane. Spomenuta posebnost proizlazi iz toga što pjesnik pri tom miješa različite književne žanrove: mitologiju, povijest, filozofiju, epske priče, razgovore s bogovima, komične scene i to sve u elegijskom distihu. Djelo Fasti nas upoznaje s posebnim štovanjem boga po imenu Ianus biformis među Rimljanima. Riječ je o bogu početaka kojemu je simbolično posvećen prvi dan u godini kao i važna svetkovina Agonalia kada se žrtvuje janje. Nakon Agonalia, slijedi svetkovina u čast proročke božice Carmenae koja se smatrala božicom trudnica i poroda pa je njen dan za Rimljane bio veoma poseban. 15. veljače slave se Lupercalia koja se povezuju s bogom šuma Faunom. Na taj dan goli svećenici Luperci su trčali goli po ulicama dok šibaju bičem žene koje vjeruju da su tako izlječene od neplodnosti. Nakon Quirinalia, koje su za Ovidija, a i mnoge njegove suvremenike povezane s pretvaranjem Romula u boga i Fornacalia u čast božici Fornax koja osigurava pravilno funkcioniranje peći prilikom pečenja kruha i kolača koji se slave 17. veljače, slijede blagdani posvećeni pokojnicima Parentalia i Feralia, te ali i živim članovima obitelji Caristia. Kraj veljače, odnosno druge knjige rezerviran je za proslavu u čast boga Termina, Terminalia kada susjedi zakapaju ratne sjekire i zajedničkim snagama prinose žrtvu mladog janjeta i odojka.
Abstract (english) This thesis's aim is to lay out the image of the Roman festivals along with their pertaining rituals. Among the other related things, it also presents diverse sacrifices offered to gods, mainly throughout the examples from the first and the second book of Fasti by the roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso. Ancient Romans were in general seen as a very religiously devoted people, having in mind their polytheistic religion and a very complex religious beliefs and rituals. Fasti is one of the most distinctive pieces of Roman literature. It contains six volumes (each dedicated to a certain month of the year) through which Ovid presents The Roman calendar 'day-by-day', describing related rituals. This piece is so distinctive because the poet combines different genres: mythology, history, philosophy, epic stories, conversation with gods, comic scenes and writes it down in an elegiac couplet. Fasti introduces us with a special devotion of Romans to a god named Ianus Biformis. It is the god of the beginnings, so they used to devote the first day of the year to him as well as the Agonalia festivity, when they used to sacrifice lambs. During the following festival of Agonaia, they used to celebrate the honor of the goddess and prophetess Carmena, a rearguard of pregnant women and labor which made her day very special to Romans. On the February 15th Romans used to celebrate Lupercalia, dedicated to Faunus – god of the forrest. During the celebration, priests would run around the streets naked, whipping women to cure their infertility, as they believed. After Quirinalia (for which Ovidius as well as his contemporaries believed to celebrate the conversion of Romulus into a god) and Fornacalia on February 17th (dedicated to goddess Fornax to make sure furnaces would function properly while preparing their breads and cakes) the following celebrations were Parentalia and Feralia (dedicated to deceased family members) and Caristia (dedicated to a living family members). The end of the February and also the end of the second volume was left to describe Terminalia - celebration of god Termin, during which neighbors would bury down their warrior hatchets and together sacrifice a lamb or suckling pig.
Publije Ovidije Nazon
ianus Biformis
Keywords (english)
Ianus Biformis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:448635
Study programme Title: Latin Language and Literature (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra latinskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra latinskog jezika i književnosti)
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Created on 2016-12-08 09:06:51