Title Rizici u poslovanju turističkih agencija
Title (english) Risks in the business of travel agencies
Author Anja Prvan
Mentor Tomislav Klarin (mentor)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gabrijela Vidić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-10-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Turističke agencije predstavljaju ključne čimbenike turističke destinacije. Poslovanje turističkih agencija čine poslovi sirokoga djelokruga s uvjetnom podjelom poslova na one poslove u kojima prevladava karakteristika poduzetne turističke usluge, receptivne turističke usluge, pružanje i posredovanje transportnih usluga za goste i pružanje ili posredovanje drugih usluga kojima se upotpunjuje cjelokupna turistička usluga. Funkcije turističkih agencija mogu se podijeliti u četiri temeljne kategorije: informativno-savjetodavna funkcija, propagandna funkcija, posrednička fukncija te organizatorska funkcija. Navedene funkcije, kao i cjelokupno poslovanje ugroženi su posljedicama kriza koje dovode do znatnog smanjenja prihoda i problema s likvidnošću turističkih agencija. Hrvatska prema udjelu turizma u bruto društvenom proizvodu (BDP) zauzima visoko mjesto u odnosu na druge zemlje članice Europske unije (EU) zbog čega važno održava stečenu predodžbu sigurne turističke destinacije. Kako bi se smanjili utjecaji rizika, važna je uspostava dobre suradnje između različitih sudionika turizma s onima koji se bave sigurnošću. Sigurnost u turizmu više nije moguće postići bez učinkovitog strateškog djelovanja kriznog menadžmenta u kojemu moraju biti uključeni i povezani svi turistički subjekti. Uz centralnu ulogu koju za turističku sigurnost ima suradnja institucionalnih i zakonodavnih tijela, poželjna je i potrebna uspostava parterstva različitih sudionika koje se ostvaruje planiranjem i realizacijom zajedničkih edukacijskih aktivnosti te međusobnom razmjenom informacija, a uvelike bi se trebalo oslanjati i na iskustva iz prošlih kriza. Cilj rada bio je ustvrditi obilježja poslovanja turističkih agencija u suvremenom turizmu, obilježja kriza i njihov utjecaj na turizam, utjecaje kriza i rizika na poslovanje turističkih agencija, uputiti na važnost kriznog menadžmenta prilikom upravljanja rizicima i predložiti smjernice za upravljanje rizicima u poslovanju turističkih agencija. U radu je provedeno istraživanje o utjecaju kriza i rizika na poslovanje turističkih agencija. Koristilo se polustrukturiranim intervjuom kao metodom prikupljanja podataka o trenutačnom stanju utjecaja kriza i rizika na poslovanje turističkih agencija. Osnovno istraživačko pitanje tražilo je odgovor na to kako krize i rizici utječu na poslovanje turističkih agencija. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da rizici i krize uvelike utječu na poslovanje turističkih posrednika. Ustvrđeno je da većina ispitanih agencija nema osmišljene strategije i mjere koje bi poduzimale u kriznim situacijam, stoga su u tom aspektu potrebne promjene i unaprjeđenja. Naposljetk s obzirom na dobivene rezultate istraživanja, oblikovane su smjernice za upravljanje rizicima u poslovanju turističkih agencija.
Abstract (english) Travel agencies represent the key factors of a tourist destination. Business travel agencies are made up of a wide range of activities that cannot be classified into groups completely homogeneous characteristics. Conditional division of jobs is into jobs in which he dominates feature of the initiative tourist service, the receptive tourist service, providing i mediation of transport services for tourists and the provision or mediation of other services which completed by the tourist service. Travel agencies have four basic functions: informative-advisory, propaganda, mediating and organizational. The aforementioned functions, as well as the entire operation, are threatened by the consequences of crises that lead to a significant decrease in income and problems with the liquidity of travel agencies. According to the share of tourism in GDP, Croatia occupies a high place among the member states of the European Union, which is why it is extremely important for it to maintain the image of a safe tourist country. In order to reduce the impact of risks, it is important to establish good cooperation between the various tourism stakeholders and those who deal with security. Security in tourism is no longer possible to achieve without an effective crisis management strategy that includes all tourism-related stakeholders. In addition to the central role that legal regulations and institutional cooperation play for safety in tourism, it is desirable and necessary to establish cooperation between different stakeholders, which should be achieved by preparing and conducting joint education and training and mutual sharing of useful information, and to a large extent it should rely on lessons from past crises. The aim of the work was: to determine the characteristics of the business of travel agencies in modern tourism, to determine the characteristics of crises and their impact on tourism, to determine the impact of crises and risks on the business of travel agencies, to point out the importance of crisis management when managing risks, to propose guidelines for risk management in tourism business agency. agency. The work was preceded by conducting research on the impact of crises and risks on the business of travel agencies. A semi-structured interview was used as a method of collecting data on the current state of the impact of crises and risks on the business of travel agencies. The fundamental research question that was tried to be answered is how do crises and risks affect the business of travel agencies? The research results showed that risks and crises greatly affect the business of tourist intermediaries. It was established that most of the surveyed agencies do not have designed strategies and measures to undertake in crisis situations, and changes and improvements are necessary in this regard. At the end of the paper, based on what was presented, guidelines were given for risk management in the business of travel agencies.
turističke agencije
krizni menadžment
Keywords (english)
travel agencies. risks
crisis management
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:036856
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-11-04 13:22:50