Title Učestalost pretraživanja zdravstvenih informacija i kiberohondrija prije i u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19
Title (english) Frequency of health information searching and cyberchondria before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Author Tamara Golubić
Mentor Anita Vulić Prtorić (mentor)
Committee member Zvjezdan Penezić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Vulić Prtorić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Ombla (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Hrvatska je jedna od europskih zemalja u kojima se u posljednje vrijeme bilježi porast broja osoba koje pretražuju online zdravstvene informacije. Pretraživanje informacija pomaže u prilagodbi u kriznim situacijama poput one u pandemiji COVID19. Unatoč brojnim prednostima pretraživanja, ono može imati i neželjene ishode poput kiberohondrije, odnosno opetovanog i intenzivnog pretraživanja zdravstvenih informacija na Internetu koje je izazvano anksioznošću te može dovesti do još veće anksioznosti. Ovakvi ishodi ponajviše se znaju pojaviti u kriznim situacijama i povezani su s percepcijom ozbiljnosti i ugroženosti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li razlika u učestalosti pretraživanja zdravstvenih informacija i razini kiberohondrije u pandemijsko vrijeme u odnosu na razdoblje prije pandemije COVID19 te utvrditi postoji li povezanost procjena ozbiljnosti COVID19 situacije i vlastite ugroženosti s učestalosti pretraživanja zdravstvenih informacija i razinom kiberohondrije. Istraživanje je provedeno u tri vremenska razdoblja – 2020. (N=959), 2021. (N=500) i 2022. (N=710) godine na mladim odraslim osobama. Korišten je online upitnik u kojem su se nalazili uz pitanja o sociodemografskim podacima, pitanja o procjeni prijetnje, o online zdravstvenim ponašanjima i Kratka ljestvica kiberohondrije (JokićBegić, Mikac, Čuržik i Sangster Jokić, 2017). Utvrđeno je da ne postoji značajna razlika u učestalosti pretraživanja zdravstvenih informacija s obzirom na tri vremenska razdoblja kada je popunjavan upitnik. Također ne postoji značajna razlika u razini kiberohondrije između grupa sudionika koji su upitnik ispunjavali tijekom pandemije, kao i između grupa sudionika koji su upitnik popunjavali u prvom i trećem vremenskom razdoblju prikupljanja podataka. No, postoji značajna razlika u razini kiberohondrije između grupa sudionika koji su upitnik ispunjavali u prvom i drugom vremenskom razdoblju prikupljanja podataka. Sudionici koji su upitnik ispunjavali 2020.godine imaju veću razinu kiberohondrije, u odnosu na sudionike koji su upitnik ispunjavali 2021.godine. Postoje pozitivne povezanosti procjena ozbiljnosti COVID19 situacije i vlastite ugroženosti s učestalosti pretraživanja zdravstvenih informacija i razinom kiberohondrije.
Abstract (english) Croatia is one of the European countries where the number of people searching for online health information has recently increased. Searching for information helps to adapt to crisis situations such as COVID19 pandemic. Despite the many benefits of search, it can also have undesirable outcomes such as cyberchondria, i.e. repeated and intensive searching for health information on the Internet, which is caused by anxiety and can lead to even greater anxiety. Such outcomes are most likely to occur in crisis situations and are associated with the perception of severity and vulnerability. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a difference in the frequency of health information searches and the level of cyberochondria in pandemic time compared to the prepandemic and to determine whether there is an association between assessments of the severity of the COVID19 situation and vulnerability with the frequency of health information searches and the level of cyberchondria.. The research was conducted in three measurements – in 2020 (N=959), 2021 (N=500) and 2022 (N=710) on young adults. An online questionnaire was used, which included sociodemographic questions, questions on threat assessment, online health behaviors, and the Short Cyberhondria Scale (JokićBegić, Mikac, Čuržik and Sangster Jokić, 2017). There is no significant difference in the frequency of health information searches with respect to the three time periods when the questionnaire was completed. There is also no significant difference in the level of cyberochondria between the groups of participants who completed the questionnaire during the pandemic, as well as between the groups of participants who completed the questionnaire in the first and third measurements. However, there is a significant difference in the level of cyberchondria between the groups of participants who completed the questionnaire in the first and second measurements. Participants who completed the questionnaire in 2020 have higher levels of cyberochondria, compared to participants who completed the questionnaire in 2021. There are positive correlations between assessments of the severity of the COVID19 situation and one's own vulnerability with the frequency of health information searches and the level of cyberchondria.
pretraživanje online zdravstvenih informacija
COVID19 pandemija
procjena ozbiljnosti
procjena ugroženosti
Keywords (english)
online health information search
COVID19 pandemic
severity assessment
vulnerability assessment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:020860
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-11-15 11:57:24