Title Motivacija za roditeljstvo studenata s obzirom na neke socio-demografske varijable
Title (english) Motivation for parenthood among students considering some socio-demographic variables
Author Laura Petričević
Mentor Marina Nekić (mentor)
Committee member Marina Nekić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Tucak Junaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Macuka (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Zašto ljudi žele djecu? Zašto neki, pak, ne žele? Ova pitanja važna su ne samo za pojedinog čovjeka, već i za cjelokupno društvo te njegovu budućnost. Prema Rabinu, četiri su kategorije motivacije za roditeljstvo – altruistična, fatalistična, narcistična i instrumentalna (koja uključuje četiri faktora – produženje obiteljske loze, potvrđivanje sebe, domoljubna motivacija i očuvanje stabilnosti braka) te na nju utječu brojni činitelji. Stoga, cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati izraženost motivacije za roditeljstvo kod studenata s obzirom na neke socio-demografske varijable. Uzorak ovog istraživanja činilo je 332 studenta (285 žena i 47 muškaraca). Prosječna dob je 21,31 godina – najmlađi sudionik ima 18 godina, a najstariji 30. Korišten je upitnik socio-demografskih podataka te Skala motivacije za roditeljstvo. Rezultati su pokazali da je na cjelokupnom uzorku najviše izražena altruistična motivacija za roditeljstvom. Također, pokazalo se da muški sudionici imaju izraženije sve navedene vrste motivacije, nego žene. No, za altruističnu motivaciju to nije slučaj. Osim toga, sudionici se ne razlikuju ni u motivima za roditeljstvom s obzirom na to jesu li ili nisu u vezi. Dobivena je pozitivna povezanost između rezultata na subskali altruistične motivacije za roditeljstvo i zadovoljstva obiteljskim životom. To se također pokazalo i za fatalističnu te narcističnu motivaciju. Međutim, između rezultata na subskali instrumentalne motivacije i zadovoljstva obiteljskim životom nije dobivena značajna korelacija kao ni između rezultata na subskalama (pojedine motivacije za roditeljstvo) i dobi sudionika. Unatoč tome što u ovom istraživanju nije utvrđena razlika u altruističnoj motivaciji između muškaraca i žena, postoji potreba za daljnjim istraživanjima u ovom području. Nadalje, s obzirom na to da se iz godine u godinu smanjuje stopa nataliteta i raste broj samačkih kućanstava te opada broj novosklopljenih brakova u Hrvatskoj, potrebno je pratiti ove trendove ne samo iz demografske perspektive nego i psihološke.
Abstract (english) Why do people want to have children? On the other hand, why do some choose to be childfree? These questions are important not only for an individual, but also for society and its future in general. According to Rabin, there are four categories of motivation for parenthood - altruistic, fatalistic, narcissistic and instrumental (which includes four factors – extension of the family line, self-affirmation, patriotic motivation and preservation of marriage stability) and it can be influenced by numerous factors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the expressiveness of motivation for parenthood among students considering some socio-demographic variables. The sample consisted of 332 participants, all university students (285 woman and 47 man). The average age is 21.31 years – the youngest participant is 18, and the oldest is 30. A questionnaire of socio-demographic data and the Parenting Motivation Scale were used. The results showed that the altruistic motivation for parenthood was the most expressed in the entire sample. Also, it was shown that male participants have expressed higher motivation in all mentioned types than women. However, this was not the case for altruistic motivation. In addition, the participants do not differ in their motives for parenting, considering whether they are in a relationship or not. A positive correlation was found between the results on the subscale of altruistic motivation for parenthood and satisfaction with family life. This has also been shown for fatalistic and narcissistic motivation. However, no correlation was found between the results on the subscale of instrumental motivation and satisfaction with family life, nor between the results on the subscales (individual motivations for parenthood) and the age of the participants. Despite the fact that no difference in altruistic motivation between men and women was found in this research, there is a need for further research in this area. Furthermore, considering that the birth rate in Croatia is decreasing year by year, the number of single households is increasing, and the number of new marriages is decreasing in Croatia, it is necessary to monitor these trends that can have effect on the stability of society.
motivacija za roditeljstvo
socio-demografske varijable
Keywords (english)
motivation for parenthood
socio-demographic variables
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:038235
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-11-15 12:53:17