Title Odnos stilova privrženosti i kvalitete prijateljstva
Title (english) The relationship between attachment styles and quality of friendship
Author Tea Humolli
Mentor Ivana Macuka (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Macuka (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Nekić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Šimunić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Istraživanja u području bliskih odnosa podržavaju pretpostavku kako ranije stečena iskustva s roditeljima imaju veliki utjecaj na odnose s drugima tijekom života (Aronson i sur., 2005). U odrasloj dobi se objekt privrženosti mijenja, ljudi stvaraju brojne trajne i bliske odnose s drugima, kao što su primjerice prijateljski odnosi (Seyfarth i Cheney, 2012). Privrženost u odrasloj dobi može biti određena dimenzijama anksioznosti i izbjegavanja (Brennan i sur., 1998) kao i modelom o sebi i modelom o drugima (Bartholomew i Horowitz, 1991) na temelju kojih je moguće utvrditi četiri stila privrženosti: sigurnu, zaokupljenu, plašljivu i odbijajuću. Prijateljstvo se opisuje kao obostran odnos dviju osoba koje se međusobno privlače i imaju recipročnu interakciju koja im zadovoljava potrebu za druženjem i intimnošću. Istraživanja pokazuju kako su obrasci privrženosti osobe u značajnim odnosima s kvalitetom prijateljstva, stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati odnose različitih dimenzija privrženosti i kvalitete prijateljstva kod osoba u razdoblju predodraslosti ili nadolazeće odrasle dobi. Istraživanje se provelo online putem i uključivalo je 191 sudionika mlađe odrasle dobi (125 žena i 66 muškaraca) u dobi između 19 i 30 godina (M= 22,57, SD= 2,78). U istraživanju su primijenjeni Brennanov Inventar iskustava u bliskim vezama kao i McGillov upitnik kvalitete prijateljstva. Utvrđena značajna pozitivna povezanost dimenzija anksioznosti i izbjegavanja onemogućila je utvrđivanje stilova privrženosti kod sudionika istraživanja te se usmjerilo na razmatranje zasebnih dimenzija privrženosti. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da na procjenama dimenzija anksioznosti i izbjegavanja nema značajnih razlika između muškaraca i žena, ali u procjeni kvalitete prijateljstva žene navode više razine u odnosu na muškarce. Nadalje, na ukupnom uzorku, kao i na poduzorcima muškaraca i žena utvrđena je negativna povezanost dimenzije anksioznosti i dimenzije izbjegavanja i kvalitete prijateljstva. Sudionici koji navode više razine anksioznosti i izbjegavanja, kvalitetu prijateljstva procjenjuju nižom.
Abstract (english) Researches in the field of close relationships support the assumption that early experiences with parents influence relationships with other people throughout life (Aronson et al., 2005). In adulthood, the object of attachment changes, people form various close and permanent relationships with others, including friendships (Seyfarth & Cheney, 2012). Attachment in adulthood can be determined by dimensions of anxiety and avoidance (Brennan et al., 1998) as well as with model of self and model of others (Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991), based of which it is possible to determine four types of attachment: secure, preoccupied, fearful and dismissing. A friendship is described as a mutual relationship between two people who are attracted to each other and have a reciprocal interaction that enables them to satisfy their need for companionship and intimacy. Researches have shown that a person's attachment patterns have a significant relationship with the quality of friendship, therefore the aim of this research was to examine the relationship between different dimensions of attachment and the quality of friendship in individuals in the period of pre-adulthood or emerging adulthood. The survey was conducted online and included 191 young adult participants (125 women and 66 men) ages between 19 and 30 (M= 22.57, SD= 2.78). Brennan's Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire and McGill's Friendship Quality Questionnaire were used in the research. The significant positive correlation between the dimensions of anxiety and avoidance made it impossible to determine attachment styles on the participants of this research which is why this research is focused on separate dimensions of attachment. The obtained results indicate that there are no significant differences between men and women in the assessment of the dimensions of anxiety and avoidance, but in the assessment of the quality of friendship, women report higher levels than men. Furthermore, on the entire sample, just as on the subsamples of men and women, a negative correlation was found between the dimension of anxiety and the dimension of avoidance and the quality of friendship. Participants who report higher levels of anxiety and avoidance rate friendship quality as lower.
dimenzije privrženosti
kvaliteta prijateljstva
spolne razlike
Keywords (english)
dimensions of attachment
quality of friendship
gender differences
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:221118
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-11-15 14:03:06