Title Lokalno ekološko znanje o ribarstvu na području otoka Pašmana
Title (english) Local ecological knowledge of fishing on the island of Pašman
Author Ivana Madjerić
Mentor Bosiljka Mustać (mentor)
Mentor Bruna Petani (komentor)
Committee member Ivan Župan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Bosiljka Mustać (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lav Bavčević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences
Abstract U posljednjih 60-ak godina, zbog veće potrebe za ulovom ribe, ribarska se flota uvećala, a moderni ribolovni alati te povećan broj profesionalnih i rekreacijskih ribolovaca narušio je ravnotežu flore i faune Pašmanskog akvatorija. Vrlo je malo podataka o ribolovu na području otoka Pašmana, stoga se, uz pomoć prikupljanja informacija lokalnih ribara, istražilo lokalno ekološko znanje o ribarstvu (FLEK - Fisheries local ecological knowledge) otoka Pašmana. Znanje ribara pomaže u boljem razumijevanju morskog okoliša te daje uvid u to kako unaprijediti upravljanje ribolovom. Također, pomaže i u vezi pitanja o staništu riba i o njihovim migracijama. Svrha rada bila je, putem intervjua lokalnih ribara, ustanoviti (obuhvaćajući šire vremensko razdoblje od 1950. godine do danas) je li došlo do promjena u količini i/ili u vrstama ulova, posebice na području bentosa akvatorija otoka Pašmana. Naglasak u istraživanju dat je na mišljenje i prijedloge ribara glede održivosti morskih resursa, te unapređenju ribarstva zakonodavnim okvirom. Ispitani ribari podržavaju zakone koji su trenutno na snazi, ali isto tako traže izmjene u regulacijama za očuvanje rekreacijskog i malog obalnog ribolova kao načina života na otocima. Prikupljenim podatcima anketiranih ribara vidan je pad u novije vrijeme ribljih vrsta i školjkaša, po brojnosti i po veličinama ulovljenih primjeraka. Najčešće ciljane vrste bile su sipa (Sepia officinalis), hobotnica (Octopus vulgaris), lignja (Loligo vulgaris), srdela (Sardina pilchardus), inćun (Engraulis encrasicolus), trlja (Mullus surmuletus), orada (Sparus aurata) i brancin (Dicentrarchus labrax). Sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća lovilo se neusporedivo više gavuna mrežama gavunarama te sipa i trlja mrežama poponicama. Ovim istraživanjem, želi se naglasiti važnost prikupljanja i širenja dosadašnjih ihtioloških i ekoloških znanja od ribara, koja često ostaju nezabilježena. Ta su znanja značajna za kvalitetnije upravljanje, točnije za ostvarivanje održivog upravljanja ribljim fondom na području otoka Pašmana i šire.
Abstract (english) For the last 60 odd years, due to the greater need to catch fish, the fishing fleet has expanded and the fishing tools have modernized aswell as the increase in professional and recreational fishermen thus disturbing the balance of flora and local wildlife of Pašman archipelago. There is very little information about fishing surrounding the area of Pašman, therefore with the help of local fishermen and their collective knowledge, we explored the local ecological proficiency of fishing (FLEK – Fisheries local ecological knowledge) of the island of Pašman. The knowledge of fishermen helps to better understand the local environment and as such upgrade the control of shore fishing. It also helps with questions about fish habitat and their migrations. The purpose of the work is, via inteviewing local fishermen, (Enveloping a larger time frame from 1950 until today) if there has come to a change of sea caught species, especially bentos archipelago of the island of Pašman. Emphasis on the research has been given based on fishermens knowledge and suggestions and their propositions to the sustainability of sea resources and further developing the legal framework of fishing law. The fishermen surveyed support the laws currently in place, but also seek changes in regulations to preserve recreational and small-scale coastal fishing as a way of life on the islands. The collected data of surveyed fishermens shows a recent decline in fish species and shellfish, in terms of number and size of caught specimens.The most frequently targeted species were cuttlefish, octopus, squid, sardines, anchovies, sea bream and sea bass. In the 70s the fishing methods used were incomparably more then now such as gavuna nets aswell as cuttlefish and red mullet fish with trammel nets. With this research, We want to accentuate the importance of collecting and sharing past ichthyologic and ecological knowledge. This knowledge is considerably important for quality control, meaning to attain a sustainable fishing environment in the area of the island of Pašman.
ekološko znanje
promjene ihtiofaune
ribolovni alati
Jadransko more
otok Pašman
Keywords (english)
ecological knowledge
ichthyofauna changes
fishing tools
Adriatic Sea
island of Pašman
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:267623
Study programme Title: Underwater Science and Technology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) podvodnih znanosti i tehnologija (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) podvodnih znanosti i tehnologija)
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Created on 2023-02-08 13:50:30