Title Utjecaj govora roditelja i odraslih na oblikovanje slike o sebi u odrasloj dobi
Title (english) The Impact of Child-directed Speech by Parents and Other Adults on Adult Self-image Formation
Author Josipa Dušević
Mentor Mira Klarin (mentor)
Committee member Slavica Vrsaljko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mira Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Kisovar Ivanda (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Preschool Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-01-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Modernizacijom se mijenja odnos između roditelja i djeteta. Mladi roditelji često su zbunjeni zbog mnoštva informacija koje im se nude na mrežnim stranicama, mnogobrojne literature o odgoju te savjeti starijih generacija. Dok starija generacija roditelja disciplinira djecu nagradama i kaznama, pozivajući se na autoritet, mladi roditelji pribjegavaju nježnom roditeljstvu kojim grade ravnopravni odnos s djetetom, dok istovremeno postavljaju jasne granice. Nježno roditeljstvo temelji se na otvorenoj komunikaciji punoj poštivanja, uzajamnog povjerenja i empatije. Obje generacije mogle bi se složiti da je izrazito važno svakodnevno razgovarati s djecom, međutim u svakidašnjem govoru možemo uočiti različite negativno konotirane rečenice upućene djeci koje roditelji koriste, (u najboljoj namjeri često nesvjesno), da bi ispravili određeno djetetovo nepoželjno ponašanje. Iz tog razloga proveli smo istraživanje u kojem smo ispitali dvije skupine roditelja: mlađu skupina roditelja u dobi od 25 do 35 godina života te stariju skupinu roditelja u dobi između 45 i 55 godina života, sveukupno 328 ispitanika. Ispitali smo učestalost korištenja određenih negativno konotiranih rečenica njihovim djetinjstvima te u kojoj mjeri iste rečenice koriste u odgoju vlastite djece. Također, nastojali smo utvrditi u kojoj mjeri iste negativno konotirale rečenice kasnije mogu utjecati na djetetovo odnos prema sebi, samopoštovanje i odrasloj dobi. Istraživanjem smo uočili da je učestalost negativno konotiranog govora doživljenog kroz djetinjstvo znatno veća nego li se danas koristi u odgoju vlastite djece. Dakle, rezultati su pokazali da roditelji koji su bili izloženi negativno konotiranom govoru u djetinjstvu, kada postaju roditelji iste rečenice koriste manje u odgoju svoje djece. Također, uočili smo da su odnos prema sebi i samopoštovanje u odrasloj dobi negativno su povezani s učestalošću korištenja negativnih govornih sintagmi u djetinjstvu i u odgoju vlastite djece. To znači da ispitanici koji su doživjeli više negativno konotiranog govora u djetinjstvu bilježe niže samopoštovanje i negativniju sliku o sebi.
Abstract (english) The relationship between parents and children is changing as a result of modernization. Young parents are frequently perplexed by the amount of information available to them on the Internet, in parenting books, and advice from older generations. While older generations of parents discipline their children with rewards and punishments, appealing to authority, younger parents use gentle parenting, which establishes an equal relationship with the child while also setting clear boundaries. Gentle parenting is based on open communication, mutual trust, and empathy. Both generations could agree that talking to children every day is extremely important; however, in every day speech, we can see various negatively connoted sentences addressed to children that parents use to correct a child's specific undesirable behavior. As a result, research was conducted in which two groups were examined: a younger group of parents aged 25 to 35 and an older group of parents aged 45 to 55, totaling 328 respondents. The frequency with which certain negatively connoted sentences were used in their childhood, as well as the extent to which the same sentences are used in the upbringing of their own children was also investigated. An attempt was made to ascertain the extent to which the same negatively connoted sentences can later affect a child's self-concept, selfesteem, and adulthood. Through the research conducted it has been discovered that the proportion of negatively connoted speech experienced as a child is significantly higher than it is today in the upbringing of one's own children. Thus, the results confirm that parents who were exposed to negatively connoted speech during their childhood used the same sentences less in the upbringing of their own children. The main observation made is that that selfconcept and self-esteem in adulthood are negatively related to the frequency of using negative speech phrases in childhood and in raising one's own children. Results confirm that respondents who were exposed to more negatively connoted speech as children have lower self-esteem and self-concept.
negativno konotirani govor
nježno roditeljstvo
tradicionalni odgoj
Keywords (english)
negative speech
gentle parenting
traditional upbringing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:165841
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Program of Early and Pre-school Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-02-20 13:00:35