Title Povijest turizma otoka Lošinja i novo pozicioniranje njegove turističke ponude na turističkom tržištu
Title (english) History of tourism in Lošinj and positioning of Lošinj's tourist offer on the contemporary tourist market
Author Josipa Perić
Mentor Šime Knežević (mentor)
Committee member Vinko Bakija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Šime Knežević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đani Bunja (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Lošinj je 11. po veličini otok na Kvarneru, nalazi se u Primorsko- goranskoj županiji. Sastavni je dio cresko- lošinjske otočke skupine koja čini zapadni niz otoka unutar Kvarnerskog zaljeva. Spada među najsunčanija područja Hrvatske sa više od 260 sunčanih dana. U prosjeku, od studenog do veljače ima 4-5 sunčanih sati dnevno. Najviše vedrih dana ima ljeti, dok najveći broj oblačnih dana ima od studenog do ožujka. Godišnje padne oko 918 mm oborina. Mali Lošinj se počeo impulzivnije razvijati krajem 18. stoljeća. Doprinos razvoju turizma na Lošinju dao je profesor Ambroz Haračić koji se od 1879. godine bavio proučavanjem klime i otočne vegetacije. Pratio je stupanj naoblake, temperaturu, vjetrove, tlak zraka i druge elemente. Temeljitije je počeo proučavati 1880. godine kada je od Centralnog meteorološkog instituta u Beču dobio aparate za osnivanje stanice II. reda. Mali Lošinj je u turizam službeno zakoračio 21. siječnja 1885. godine kada je na otok doputovao balneolog i klimatoterapeut Conrad Clar sa svojim sinom koji je bolovao od bolesti grla. Sinovo se zdravstveno stanje naglo popravilo nakon provedenog trotjednog klimatskog liječenja na podruĉju Velog i Malog Lošinja. 1885. godine osniva se prva turistička kuća, Vila Adelma, na Čikatu u Malom Lošinju, 1887. se spominje tridesetak privatnih soba koje su vlasnici iznajmljivali turistima. Iste te godine osniva se i prvi hotel u Malom Lošinju pod nazivom Vindobona. Već 1912. godine Mali Lošinj je raspolagao sa pet hotela, pet pansiona, šest vila i tri lječilišta. U Velom Lošinju je, pak, postojalo pet pansiona te lječilište Simonitsch. Godina 1838. se smatra početkom nautičkog turizma na otoku jer je tada parobrodsko društvo Lloyd Austriaco uspostavio redovnije veze duž obale Jadrana. Turizam otoka Lošinja zapada u krizu između dva svjetska rata, no već nakon drugog svjetskog rata počinje obnova i ponovan rast turizma pa je 1987. Mali Lošinj prvi put proglašen šampionom turizma Jugoslavije. 1974. osnovano je Kotarsko ugostiteljsko poduzeće Jadranka sa sjedištem u Malom Lošinju čime se pristupilo neprekidnom obnavljanju organizirane turističke i ugostiteljske ponude te omogućilo brojno zaposlenje otočanima te bolji gospodarski razvoj čitavoj otočkoj zajednici. 1956. osniva se brodarska kompanija pod nazivom Lošinjska plovidba koja je osnovala agenciju za prodaju karata i sagradila autokamp Poljana. Od tada se sve više razvija masovni turizam i turizam otoka cvate. Novo poglavlje u turizmu otoka otvorila je Grupa Jadranka koja je 2007. započela proces repozicioniranja turističke ponude Lošinja.
Abstract (english) Lošinj is the eleventh largest island in Kvarner, situated in Primorsko-goranska region. It represents an integral part of Cres-lošinj island group that consists of a Western series of islands within the bay of Kvarner. It belongs among the sunniest regions of Croatia with more than 260 sunny days. From November to February it has on average 4 to 5 hours of sunlight daily. The majority of clear days are during summer, while the greatest number of cloudy days occur between November and March. The annual rainfall is around 918 mm. Mali Lošinj started developing more rapidly at the end of the eighteenth century. Professor Ambroz Haračić contributed to the development of island tourism in Lošinj in 1879 when he started studying the climate of the island as well as its vegetation. He monitored the degree of cloud cover, temperature, winds, pressure as well as other elements. When the Central Meteorological Institute in Vienna provided him with the appliances needed for the establishment of the second order station in 1880 he began with a more thorough research. Mali Lošinj officially entered tourism on 21st January 1885 when Conrad Clar, balneologist and climotherapist, visited the island with his son, who at the time suffered from a throat disease. His sons health condition suddenly improved after spending three weeks under climatic treatment in the area of Veli and Mali Lošinj. The first tourist house in Lošinj, Via Adelma, was founded in 1885 in Čikat on Mali Lošinj. It is said that some thirty private rooms started being rented out to tourists by the room owners in 1887. The first hotel in Lošinj, hotel Vindobona, was founded the same year. In 1912 there were already five hotels, five guest houses, six villas and three health resorts in Mali Lošinj. Veli Lošinj, on the other hand, featured five guest houses and a health resort Simonitsch. Nautical tourism on the island started in 1838 when the steamship company Lloyd Austiaco establish more regular links along the Adriatic coast. Island tourism in Lošinj went into crisis between the two world wars, but began its next ascent just after the end of World War II. In 1987 Mali Lošinj was first proclaimed the champion of tourism in Yugoslavia. Catering company Jadranka with its headquarters in Mali Lošinj was founded in 1974, which marked the start of continuous work on the provision of tourist and catering services. In the same time, it enabled numerous islanders to find employment as well as better economic development throughout the islands community. Shipping company Lošinjska plovidba was founded in 1956. It later founded the ticket agency and built the autocamp Poljana. Since then mass as well as island tourism have been rapidly developing. The last chapter of islands tourism so far was opened by Jadranka Group in 2007 when it started to reposition Lošinjs tourist offer according to the newest demands of the tourist market.
održivi turizam
zdravstveni turizam
Keywords (english)
Sustainable tourism
Medical tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:734522
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-12-21 14:14:05