Title Rana dokumentarna fotografija – socijalni dokument ili umjetničko djelo
Title (english) Early documentary photography - social document or work of art
Author Jakica Bleuš
Mentor Sofija Sorić (mentor)
Committee member Silvia Bekavac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sofija Sorić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Šitina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History of Art) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-04-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art History and Theory of the Fine Arts, Architecture, Urbanism and Visual Communications
Abstract Fotografija predstavlja proces hvatanja određenog trenutka na podlozi, čime se ostvaruje nepokretni svjetlosni snimak koji ostaje trajno sačuvan. U povijesti fotografije razvile su se različite podskupine temstskog raspona fotografije, a ovaj rad se bavi ranom dokumentarnom fotografijom. Toj vrsti fotografije je cilj na najrealniji način i bez uljepšavanja prikazati subjekt. Tako se fotografija koristila kako bi se prikazala realnost ljudi i socijalni problemi, izazivajući time i reakciju kod promatrača. Najraniji primjeri vežu se uz fotografije škotskog ribarskog naselja New Haven, kojeg su fotografirali David Octavius Hill i Robert Adamson. Najznačajniji fotografi dokumentarne fotografije su Jacob Riisa i Lewis Hinea, čiji su radovi od iznimne važnosti za povijest fotografije, ali i za društveni angažman. Jacob Riis se borio protiv klasne nepravde, ukazujući na teške aspekte života. Njegov sljedbenik, Lewis Hine, fotografirao je izbjeglice s otoka Ellis, djecu koja rade te se zalagao za njihova prava. Naposljetku, fotografirao je radnike tijekom gradnje Empire State Building gdje veliča vještine radnika i nove konstrukcije. Tema ovog diplomskog rada proizašla je iz prakse L. Hinea da na poleđini svojih fotografija stavlja pečat „Interpretativna fotografija“, čime svojim fotografijama nadodaje i simbol estetski sublimirane zbilje, a ne samo socijalnog dokumenta. Polemike „da li je dokumentarna fotografija samo socijalni dokument koji ne posjeduje umjetničku vrijednost?“ vodila se od početka fotografije. U radu su naglašene umjetničke karakteristike fotografije na primjerima Riisa i Hinea, ali i drugih fotografa koji su doprinijeli njezin vrijednost.
Abstract (english) Photography represents the process of capturing a specific moment on a substrate, which creates a still light image that remains permanently preserved. In the history of photography different subgroups have developed and this paper deals with early documentary photography. The goal of this group of photos is to show the subject in the most realistic way, without embellishment. For this reason, photography was used to show the reality of people and social problems, thereby causing a reaction in the observer. The earliest examples are associated with photographs of the Scottish fishing village of New Haven, photographed by David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson. The most important photographers of documentar photography are Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine, whose works are extremely important for the history of photography, but also for social engagement. Jacob Riis fought against class injustice, pointing out the horrors of life. His follower, Lewis Hine, photographed refugees from Ellis Island, working children and advocated for their rights. Finally, he photographed the workers during the construction of the Empire State Building, glorifying the skills of the workers and the new construction. The topic of this thesis came from L. Hine's practice of putting a stamp on the back of his photographs, „interpretative photography “, with which he added to his photographs a symbol of social document and aesthetically sublimated reality. Controversy „is documentary photography only a social document that does not possess artistic value? “has been pursued since the beginning of photography. This paper emphasizes the artistic characteristics of photography on the examples of Riis and Hine, as well as other photographers who marked its value.
dokumentarna fotografija
socijalni dokument
Jacob Riis
Lewis Hine
Keywords (english)
documentary photography
social document
Jacob Riis
Lewis Hine
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:130944
Study programme Title: History of Art; specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti; magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti umjetnosti (magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti; magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-08-29 10:52:36