Title Razina tjelesne aktivnosti i korištenje moderne tehnologije kao parametri koji definiraju razvoj fine motorike predškolske djece
Title (english) The level of physical activity and the use of modern technology as parameters that define the development ff fine motor skills of preschool
Author Amalija Gojević
Mentor Donata Vidaković Samaržija (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Alić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Ivković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Donata Vidaković Samaržija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Preschool Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-10-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti koliko su djeca predškolske dobi tjelesno aktivna i procijeniti vrijeme provedeno u sjedilačkim aktivnostima (pred ekranima), te procijeniti stupanj razvoja fine motorike. Sekundarni cilj je ispitati postojanje razlika u stupnju razvoja fine motorike s obzirom na uključenost djece u organizirane kineziološke aktivnosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 34 djevojčice i 26 dječaka u dobi od 4 do 7 godina, sveukupno 60 djece, te njihovi roditelji. Djeca su ispitana testom fine motorike, a roditelji anketnim upitnikom. Podatci su obrađeni u programu Statistica 14.0.0. Izračunati su osnovni deskriptivni pokazatelji i frekvencije odgovora na pojedina pitanja. Za procjenu razlika u stavovima o važnosti tjelesne aktivnosti između roditelja čija djeca sudjeluju i roditelja čija djeca ne sudjeluju u organiziranim sportskim aktivnostima primijenjen je Man-Whitney U test. Prema dobivenim rezultatima testa fine motorike vidljivo je da su djeca prosječno riješila zadatke, a najbolji rezultati su postignuti u dodiru prstiju palcem. Sve više djece boravak na zraku zamjenjuje igrama na mobitelu i računalu, ali rezultati pokazuju da su im druženje s prijateljima i igra na otvorenom i dalje primarna aktivnost. Rezultati ankete pokazuju da se roditelji slažu o važnosti tjelesne aktivnosti za cjelokupni rast i razvoj. Kako bi se smanjila razina pretilosti i utjecaja ekrana, a povećao razvoj grube i fine motorike, djecu je potrebno poticati da budu tjelesno aktivni, a tek nešto više od polovice djece istraživanja sudjeluje u organiziranim tjelesnim aktivnostima. Vrlo je važno da roditelju budu svjesni važnosti tjelesne aktivnosti za djecu, a prema rezultatima, niti polovica roditelja ne provede više od 2 puta tjedno u igri sa djecom. Roditelji svojim postupcima moraju biti primjer djeci i pokazati im kako su tjelesna aktivnost i zdrava prehrana čimbenici koji uveliku utječu na razvoj zdravih navika za budućnost. Direktno ili indirektno, tjelesna aktivnost djeluje na funkciju svih organa u tijelu, što je čini jednim od najvažnijih čimbenika za zdrav razvoj djeteta. Suvremeni stil života mjenja životne navike odraslih, pa i djece, a tehnologija će u budućnosti imati puno veću ulogu u njihovu životu, jer je njen sadašnji utjecaj uvelike porastao nego prije deset godina. Stoga je potrebno poticati djecu da budu tjelesno angažirani, kako bi što više razvijali aktivni, a smanjivali sjedilački način života
Abstract (english) The primary goal of this research was to assess how physically active pre-school children are and to assess the time spent in sedentary activities (in front of screens), and to assess the level of development of fine motor skills. The secondary goal is to examine the existence of differences in the level of development of fine motor skills with regard to children's involvement in organized kinesiology activities. 34 girls and 26 boys between the ages of 4 and 7, a total of 60 children, and their parents participated in the research. The children were tested with a fine motor skills test, and the parents with a questionnaire. The data were processed in the Statistica 14.0.0 program. Basic descriptive indicators and frequencies of answers to individual questions were calculated. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to assess the differences in attitudes about the importance of physical activity between parents whose children participate and parents whose children do not participate in organized sports activities. According to the obtained results of the fine motor test, it is evident that the children solved the tasks on average, and the best results were achieved in touching the fingers with the thumb. More and more children are replacing being outdoors with games on mobile phones and computers, but the results show that hanging out with friends and playing outdoors are still their primary activity. The survey results show that parents agree on the importance of physical activity for overall growth and development. In order to reduce the level of obesity and the influence of screens, and increase the development of gross and fine motor skills, children need to be encouraged to be physically active, and only slightly more than half of the children in the study participate in organized physical activities. It is very important for parents to be aware of the importance of physical activity for children, and according to the results, not even half of parents spend more than 2 times a week playing with their children. By their actions, parents must set an example for their children and show them that physical activity and a healthy diet are factors that greatly influence the development of healthy habits for the future. Directly or indirectly, physical activity affects the function of all organs in the body, which makes it one of the most important factors for a child's healthy development. The modern lifestyle is changing the lifestyle habits of adults and even children, and technology will play a much bigger role in their lives in the future, because its current influence has greatly increased compared to ten years ago. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage children to be physically engaged, in order to develop an active lifestyle as much as possible, while reducing a sedentary lifestyle.
tjelesna aktivnost
fina motorika
Keywords (english)
physical activity
fine motor skills
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:652580
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Program of Early and Pre-school Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-11-08 17:53:47