Title Pretpostavke uspješnog odgojnog djelovanja u obitelji
Title (english) Assumptions of successful educational activities in the family
Author Karolina Sukobljević
Mentor Smiljana Zrilić (mentor)
Committee member Mira Klarin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Violeta Valjan Vukić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Smiljana Zrilić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Preschool Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-10-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Brojni su autori iznijeli svoju definiciju obitelji, no za svakoga od nas ona predstavlja nešto drugačije. No, ipak možemo se složiti kako je njezin utjecaj na odgoj djeteta nepobitan i jedinstven jer upravo obitelj ima individualan pristup koji joj omogućuje izravno oblikovanje djeteta u socijalnom, intelektualnom, tjelesnom, emocionalnom te spoznajnom smislu. Stoga je potrebno promotriti obitelj kao sustav te promjene u strukturi koje su se s godinama dogodile unutar iste. Kroz vrijeme obitelj kao institucija je prolazila kroz brojna krizna razdoblja, i unatoč prognozama o njezinom raspadanju, opstala je. Adekvatno obiteljsko ozračje nedvojbeno je bila od pomoći, kao i dobri obiteljski odnosi bez kojih njezin opstanak ne bi bio moguć. Kako bi odnosi unutar obitelji ostali trajno dobri, važno je konstantno raditi na sebi, svojim znanjima i vještinama, kako roditeljskim, tako i životnim. Poželjno je da roditelji stalno stječu nove i proširuju već postojeće pedagoške kompetencije kako bi ih mogli prilagoditi trenutnoj djetetovoj razvojnoj fazi te prilagodili svoj odgojni stil što će pripomoći uspješnom odgojnom djelovanju u obitelji. Zrelost roditelja također je važna pretpostavka uspješnog obiteljskog odgoja. Mlađa odrasla dob smatra se idealnim te poželjnim razdobljem za roditeljstvo, a karakteriziraju ju već formirane osobnosti koje su spremne preuzeti odgovornost odgoja djeteta. Na zrelost roditelja nadovezuju se i povoljni ekonomski uvjeti koje bi obitelj trebala osigurati za dijete. Obitelj sa sređenim ekonomskim stanjem u mogućnosti je djetetu osigurati sve potrebne materijalne uvjete za njegov normalna i nesmetan rast i razvoj. Dakle, obitelj kao takva, može pospješiti odgojno djelovanje demokratskim odnosima gdje svatko ima pravo na svoje mišljenje, izražavanje i gdje se prihvaćaju različitosti bez straha od odbacivanja.
Abstract (english) Numerous authors have presented their definition of a family, but the term represents something different for each of us. We can agree that its influence on a child's upbringing is undeniable and unique. The family has an individual approach that enables it to directly shape the child in a social, intellectual, physical, emotional and cognitive sense. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the family as a system and the structural changes that have occurred within it over the years. Over time, the family as an institution went through numerous critical periods, and despite forecasts of its disintegration, it survived. Adequate family atmosphere was undoubtedly helpful, as well as good family relations, without which its survival would not have been possible. In order for relationships within the family to remain permanently good, it is important to constantly work on yourself, your knowledge and skills, both parenting and life. It is desirable that parents constantly acquire new and expand already existing pedagogical knowledge in order to be able to adapt them to the child's current stage of development and adapt their educational style, which will contribute to successful educational activities in the family. Parental maturity is also an important prerequisite for successful family upbringing. Young adulthood is considered an ideal and desirable period for parenting, and it is characterized by already formed personalities who are ready to take on the responsibility of raising a child. The maturity of the parents is linked to the favorable economic conditions that the family should provide for the child. A family with a stable economic status is able to provide the child with all the necessary material conditions for his normal and smooth growth and development. Therefore, the family as such can promote educational activities through democratic relations where everyone has the right to their opinion, expression and where differences are accepted without fear of rejection
obiteljski odnosi
odgojno djelovanje
Keywords (english)
family relations
educational activities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:827140
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Program of Early and Pre-school Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2023-11-22 14:39:20