Title Uloga učitelja u ostvarivanju pozitivnog razrednog ozračja
Title (english) Teacher's Role in Creating a Positive Classroom Climate
Author Marija Krečak
Mentor Marija Buterin Mičić (mentor)
Committee member Matilda Karamatić Brčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Buterin Mičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Marija Iveljić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-03-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Učiteljska profesija mijenjala se tijekom povijesti. Jedno od najbitnijih segmenata kvalitetnog rada učitelja je pozitivno razredno ozračje. U teorijskom dijelu rada prikazana je učiteljska profesija kroz formalno inicijalno obrazovanje, cjeloživotno učenje, kompetencije i stil rukovođenja razreda. Osnovni cilj bio je analizirati određene elemente suvremenih empirijskih istraživanja na nacionalnoj razini koji tematiziraju ulogu učitelja u izgradnji pozitivnog razrednog ozračja. Ukupno je izdvojeno dvadeset i jedno istraživanja, od kojih je dvanaest bilo daljnje analizirano. Glavni zadaci istraživanja odnosili su se na utvrđivanje načina operacionalizacije instrumentarija, korištenih pristupa istraživanja i razlika u uzorku istraživanja, ispitivanje razlika u problemima odabranih istraživanja i utvrđivanje preporuka za buduća istraživanja uloge učitelja u ostvarivanju pozitivnog razrednog ozračja u nacionalnom kontekstu. Utvrđeno je korištenje instrumenta Moj razred u četiri analizirana rada te sličnosti operacionalizacije instrumentarija pet radova u skalama procjene koje su analizirale zadovoljstvo školom, interakciju učenika i učitelja, zadovoljstvo školom i osjetljivost na nasilje. Nadalje, kvalitativan pristup istraživanju koristio je samo jedan rad, dok su u uzorku istraživanja ispitanici bili učitelji ili učenici. U problemima istraživanja odabranih radova, najčešće su prisutni elementi razrednog ozračja koji se odnose na utjecaj istih na odnos i komunikaciju učitelja i učenika, zadovoljstvo nastavom i učeničko samopoimanje. Posljednje, prostori za napredak naglašeni su u radovima koji su za uzorak imali učenike, a odnosi se na opadanje zadovoljstva učenika nastavnim metodama i povjerenja u učitelje s porastom dobi. Također, kod učitelja su vidljive potrebe za dodatnim usavršavanjima na temu razrednog ozračja kako bi uspješno odgovorili na potrebe svojih učenika.
Abstract (english) The teaching profession has changed throughout history. One of the most important segments of a teacher's quality work is a positive classroom atmosphere. In the theoretical part of the work, the teaching profession is presented through formal initial education, lifelong learning, competencies, and class management style. The main goal was to analyze certain elements of contemporary empirical research at the national level that address the role of teachers in building a positive classroom atmosphere. A total of twenty-one studies were selected, twelve of which were further analyzed. The main tasks of the research were related to determining the way of operationalizing the instruments, used research approaches and differences in the research sample, examining the differences in the problems of the selected research and determining recommendations for future research on the role of teachers in achieving a positive classroom atmosphere in the national context. The use of the My Class instrument in four analyzed papers was determined, as well as similarities in the operationalization of the instruments of five papers in assessment scales that analyzed satisfaction with school, interaction between students and teachers, satisfaction with school and sensitivity to violence. Furthermore, the qualitative research approach was used in one paper, while in the research sample the respondents were teachers or students. In the research problems of the selected works, elements of the classroom atmosphere are most often present, which refer to their influence on the relationship and communication between teachers and students, satisfaction with teaching and student self-concept. Lastly, the areas for improvement were highlighted in the works that had students as a sample, and it refers to the decline in student satisfaction with teaching methods and trust in teachers with increasing age. Also, there is a visible need for additional training on the topic of classroom atmosphere among teachers to successfully respond to the needs of their students.
pozitivno razredno ozračje
razredna nastava
nacionalna razina
Keywords (english)
positive classroom atmosphere
primary education
national level
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:057769
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra pedagogije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2024-03-26 17:41:07