Title Uloga vina u gastronomskoj kulturi Hrvatske s posebnim osvrtom na Zadarsku županiju
Title (english) The role of wine in the gastronomic culture of Croatia with special reference to Zadar County
Author Branko Arbanas
Mentor Đani Bunja (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Krpan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Đani Bunja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlado Sušac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies
Abstract Vinarstvo i vinogradarstvo predstavlja aktivnosti koje su na području Republike Hrvatske, pa i Zadarske županije poznate od pamtivijeka. Može se istaknuti kako je ta djelatnost kroz povijest imala uspona i padova, a trenutno je u vrlo prosperitetnom razdoblju. Rast i razvoj područja vinarstva i vinogradarstva uvjetovan je i razvojem turizma te povećanim zanimanjem posjetitelja za kulturni, ruralni i vinski turizam. U tom smislu suvremeno vinarstvo karakterizira korištenje visoke tehnologije, okretanje prema autohtonim vinskim sortama te izlazak na tržište u novom ruhu, uz suvremeni marketing, poboljšanu uslugu te vrlo visoke razine kvalitete i privlačnosti proizvoda. Cilj diplomskog rada je istražiti važnost i obilježja ponude vina u turističkom proizvodu Zadarske županije. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je metodom dubinskog intervjua na uzorku od 10 gospodarskih subjekata, 5 proizvođača vina s područja Zadarske županije te 5 ostalih dionika u turizmu (hoteli i ugostitelji). Analizom dobivenih podataka utvrđeno je da postoji određeno neslaganje oko kvalitete i ostvarene suradnje s aspekta proizvođača koji smatraju da je suradnja još uvijek na nedovoljnoj razini, te ostalih dionika u turizmu, posebno ugostitelja, koji smatraju da je suradnja na adekvatnoj razini. Ispitanici se slažu da vinski turisti uglavnom pripadaju kategoriji obiteljskih ljudi koji u destinaciju dolaze vlastitim automobila, dok su avionski i turisti s kruzera nešto lošija populacija kada je u pitanju zainteresiranost za kupovinu vina. U osnovne zaključke spada i činjenica da vrijeme proizvodnje i promoviranja proizvoda od autohtonih sorti vinove loze tek dolazi, i to buđenjem svijesti i proizvođača i potrošača. One ujedno predstavljaju ključ uspjeha vinskog turizma na području Zadarske županije zahvaljujući sposobnosti da se turistima ponudi jedinstven i autentičan doživljaj prostora koji posjećuju.
Abstract (english) Winemaking and viticulture are activities that have been known since time immemorial in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, but also in the Zadar County. It can be pointed out that this activity has had its ups and downs throughout history, and is currently in a very prosperous period. The growth and development of winemaking and viticulture is conditioned by the development of tourism and the increased interest of visitors in cultural and rural, i.e. wine tourism. In this sense, modern winemaking is characterized by the use of high technology, turning to autochthonous wine varieties and entering the market in a new guise, with modern marketing, with improved service and with very high levels of product quality and attractiveness. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the importance and features of the wine offer in the tourism product of Zadar County. Empirical research was conducted using the method of in-depth interviews on a sample of 10 business entities, 5 wine producers from the area of Zadar County and 5 other stakeholders in tourism (hotels, restaurateurs). The analysis of the obtained data revealed that there is a certain disagreement about the quality and the achieved cooperation from the point of view of producers who consider that the cooperation is still at an insufficient level, and other stakeholders in tourism, especially restaurateurs, who consider that the cooperation is at an adequate level. Respondents agree that wine tourists mostly belong to the category of family people who come to the destination in their own cars, while airplane and cruise ship tourists are a slightly worse population when it comes to being interested in buying wine. The basic conclusions also include the fact that the time for the production and promotion of products from autochthonous grape varieties is yet to come, with the awakening of the awareness of both producers and consumers, and they also represent the key to the success of wine tourism in the area of Zadar County thanks to the ability to offer tourists a unique and authentic experience of the space he visits.
gastronomska ponuda
vinski turizam
Keywords (english)
gastronomic offer
wine tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:646344
Study programme Title: Cultural and Natural Heritage in Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra kulturne i prirodne baštine u turizmu (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra kulturne i prirodne baštine u turizmu)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2024-07-10 16:19:42