Title Vjerski odgoj djece s teškoćama u razvoju
Title (english) Religious education of children with developmental disabilities
Author Tea Zubčić
Mentor Marijana Mohorić (mentor)
Committee member Elvis Ražov (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdenko Dundović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Mohorić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Departement of Religious Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Religious Education and Catechesis
Abstract Djecu s posebnim potrebama možemo razvrstati u dvije skupine, a to su djeca s teškoćama i darovita djeca. Potrebe djece s teškoćama razlikuju se sukladno vrstama teškoća s kojima se susreću a te teškoće mogu biti posljedica oštećenja vida, oštećenja sluha, poremećaja govora, jezika i glasa, sniženih intelektualnih sposobnosti, poremećaja iz autističnog spektra, motoričkih poremećaja i kroničnih bolesti, poremećaja pažnje uz hiperaktivnost, poremećaja u ponašanju i specifičnih teškoća učenja. Zakonom je propisano da djeca s teškoćama imaju pravo na individualizirani pristup u obrazovanju te se procjenom njihovih potreba utvrđuje na koji im je način potrebno pristupiti. Za djecu s teškoćama vrlo je bitna inkluzija koja ističe da svatko pripada društvu i na svoj mu način pridonosi te ne implicira da su svi jednaki niti da se svi slažu, već stvara novi odnos prema svemu što je različito. Navedeno čini inkluziju optimalnim načinom uz pomoć kojeg se djeci s teškoćama pruža prilika da bez ograničenja okoline razvijaju svoje sposobnosti i interese te da se osjećaju ravnopravnim sudionicima iste. Temeljni je cilj inkluzije kreiranje socijalnog okruženja u kojem će se djeca s teškoćama osjećati ravnopravno. Postoji niz metoda podučavanja koje se nastoje prilagoditi djeci s teškoćama i ostvariti cilj inkluzije koji podrazumijeva kreiranje socijalnog okruženja u kojem će se djeca s teškoćama osjećati ravnopravnim i biti uključena u sve aktivnosti odgojno-obrazovnog sustava. Postoje i brojni modeli kateheze koji djeci s teškoćama olakšavaju sudjelovanje u procesu odgoja u vjeri i kasnijem sudjelovanju u župnoj zajednici. Za provođenje metoda poučavanja tih modela nastave vjeroučitelji/katehete moraju posjedovati određeni nivo obrazovanja i određene kompetencije. Suradnja svih sudionika zajednice ima ključnu ulogu u inkluziji djeteta s teškoćama.
Abstract (english) Children with special needs can be classified into two groups: children with disabilities and gifted children. The needs of children with disabilities differ according to the types of difficulties they face. These difficulties can be the result of visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech, language and voice disorders, reduced intellectual disabilities, autistic spectrum disorders, motor disorders and chronic illnesses, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, behavioural disorders and specific learning difficulties. By law, children with disabilities have the right to an individualised approach to education, and it is further determined how they should be approached through assessing their needs. Inclusion is very important for children with disabilities, which emphasises that everyone belongs to society and contributes to it in their own way and does not imply that everyone is equal or that everyone agrees, but rather creates a new attitude towards everything that is different. This makes inclusion the optimal way through which children with disabilities are given the opportunity to develop their abilities and interests without the limitations of the environment and to feel like they are equal participants. The fundamental goal of inclusion is to create a social environment in which children with disabilities feel equal. There are several teaching methods that seek to be adapted to children with disabilities and achieve the goal of inclusion, which involves creating social surroundings where children with disabilities feel equal and included in all activities of the education system. There are numerous models of catechesis that facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities in religious upbringing in the parish community and their later involvement in the parish community. In order to implement these teaching methods and curriculum models, religion teachers/catechists must possess an appropriate level of education and specific competencies. The collaboration of all members of the religious community plays a key role in the inclusion of children with disabilities.
Djeca s teškoćama
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:723071
Study programme Title: Graduate university theological and catechetical study program (double-major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra katehetike (sveučilišni/a sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra katehetike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2024-10-25 08:21:15