Title Kronotop djetinjstva u romanima Adio kauboju Olje Savičević Ivančević i Ja se ne bojim Niccolòa Ammanitija
Title (english) The Chronotope of the Childhood in the Novels Farewell Cowboy by Olja Savičević Ivančević and I'm Not Scared by Niccolo Ammaniti
Author Barbara Klepić
Mentor Miranda Levanat Peričić (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Miranda Levanat Peričić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Gospić Županović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian and Slavic Studies) (Division of Croatian Language and Literature) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-05-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract Polazeći od Bahtinove teorije romana u ovom se radu analizira kronotop djetinjstva u dvama suvremenim romanima – Adio kauboju hrvatske spisateljice Olje Savičević Ivančević i Ja se ne bojim talijanskog autora mlađe generacije, Niccòloa Ammanitija. Konceptom kronotopa Bahtin je ukazao na vremenske i prostorne odnose unutar književnog teksta, koji su po svojoj prirodi uzajamni i koji u toj uzajamnosti oblikuju nerazlučivu cjelinu "vrijemeprostora". Budući da se u spomenutim romanima veze vremena i prostora zapliću oko središnjeg motiva djetinjstva, ono se može smatrati dominantnim kronotopskim obilježjem obaju romana. Stoga se u središnjem dijelu rada ovaj problem prati poredbenom analizom, na nekoliko sadržajnih razina: Bahtinov pojam kronotopa, kronotop povratka u djetinjstvo, kronotopičnost likova djece i odnos likova djece prema ostalima. U romanu Adio kauboju "vrijemeprostor" djetinjstva počinje se oblikovati povratkom protagonistkinje Dade u obiteljsku kuću s namjerom razotkrivanja bratova samoubojstva, te nastavlja kroz narativne izlete u prošlost u kojima obiteljsku, privatnu razinu stalno prati kolektivna, društvena. Obje prošlosti zasjenjene su tranzicijskim osjećajem gubitka vrijednosti. Traumatično iskustvo provučeno je kroz infantilnu vizuru, što s jedne strane sužava perspektivu i usporava rasplet, a s druge stilski obogaćuje i oneobičava jezični izraz. U Ammanitijevu romanu Ja se ne bojim u ulozi pripovjedača pojavljuje se devetogodišnji protagonist Michele. Kronotop djetinjstva u Ammanitijevu romanu obilježava zaustavljeno vrijeme odrastanja u zabiti, u kojoj do prekretnice koja ubrzava vrijeme odrastanja dolazi kada Michele slučajno otkrije otetog dječaka. Dok se kronotopičnost povratka u mjesto djetinjstva u romanu Olje Savičević otkriva u rasplitanju tajne iz prošlosti, povratak se u Ammanitijevu romanu evocira u uspomenama odraslog pripovjedača te se odvija isključivo na refleksivnom planu. Zajednička kronotopska specifičnost u obama romanima je vezivanje uz prostor provincije koje simbolički usporava vrijeme te omogućava koncentraciju na zgusnuto događanje u zaustavljenom odsječku djetinjstva. To ističe, u skladu s Bahtinovim shvaćanjem lika čovjeka u književnosti, kronotopičnost odbačenih likova u svijetu zabačenog prostora.
Abstract (english) Starting from the Bakhtin's theory of the novel this work researches the chronotope of the childhood in the two contemporary novels – Farewell Cowboy by Olja Savičević Ivančević and I'm Not Scared by Niccolò Ammaniti. Using the concept of the chronotope Bakhtin pointed on the temporal and spatial relationships within the literary text, which, by their nature, mutually form indistinguishable whole of "time-space". Since in these novels connection of the time and the space are interwoven around the central motif of the childhood, it could be considered as the dominant chronotopic element in the both novels. Therefore, the central part of this work deals with the comparative analysis on a few levels: Bakhtin's notion of the chronotope, chronotopic return to the childhood, chronotopicality characters of the children and the relationship between the characters of children and other characters in both novels. In the novel Farewell Cowboy time-space of the childhood begins to take shape with the return of the main character Dada in her family house. With the intention of solving the mystery of her brother's suicide, she takes the narrative trips to the past, mixing constantly the family and the private level with the collective and the social level. Both levels of the past are obscured by the sense of loss of values in the time of transition. The traumatic experience is pulled through the infantile vision, which on the one hand narrows the perspective and slows the resolution of the plot, and the other enriches the style and defamiliarizates linguistic expression. In Ammaniti's novel I'm Not Scared nine year old protagonist Michele appears in the role of the narrator. The chronotope of the childhood in this novel is based on stopped time of the backwoods, where a turning point that accelerates the time of growing up comes when Michele accidentally discovers the kidnapped boy, his coeval. While the chronotopical return in the place of childhood in the novel by Olja Savičević is revealed by the untangle the secrets of the past, the return in the Ammaniti's novel is evoked only by memories of the adult narrator so that it takes place exclusively on the reflexive level. Common chronotopical feature in both novels is connected with the space of provinces which symbolically slows the time and allows the concentration on the condensed event in the stopped segment of the childhood. It points out, according to Bakhtin's understanding of human character in literature, the chronotopicality of the rejected characters in the world of the remoted area.
Adio kauboju
Ja se ne bojim
Keywords (english)
Farewell Cowboy
I'm Not Scared
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:209080
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
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Created on 2017-03-17 08:51:25