Author Mario Taraš
Mentor Ljubo Barbić (mentor)
Committee member Zoran Milas (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Turk (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljubo Barbić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Stevanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety
Abstract Emergentne zoonoze se sve učestalije pojavljuju, a ovaj trend je uvjetovan razvojem današnjeg društva. U najznačajnije čimbenike emergencije pripadaju socio-demografske promjene, klimatske promjene te čovjekov utjecaj na okoliš kao i prilagodba mikroorganizama. Ovakvi društveni i civilizacijski razvojni trendovi će se zasigurno i nastaviti pa je za javno zdravstvo na globalnoj razini važno usmjeriti znanstvena istraživanja upravo na ovakve bolesti.
Tipičan primjer emergentnih zoonoza je pojava emergentnih koronavirusa koji su po gotovo identičnim obrascima u posljednja dva desetljeća uzrokovali SARS, MERS i COVID-19. Koronavirusi uzrokuju bolesti u različitih vrsta životinja i ljudi, te su izrazito skloni mutacijama, tako da je njihov međuvrsni prijenos stalna opasnost što se i potvrdilo u nastanku ovih bolesti. Štoviše, za sva tri uzročnika rezervoari su bili šišmiši te su se preko neke životinjske vrste, koja je imala ulogu međudomaćina, prilagodili i uspješno prenijeli na čovjeka. Nakon toga su se nastavili širiti među ljudima uzrokujući oboljenja s primarno respiratornim kliničkim znakovima i visokom smrtnošću.
Bez obzira što je ovaj istovjetan ponavljajući model nastanka emergentne koronavirusne zoonoze zabilježen 2003. godine pri pojavi SARSA i potvrđen 2012. godine pojavom MERSA, te usprkos upozorenjima svjetske znanstvene zajednice, globalni zdravstveni sustav i društvo u cjelini dočekalo je pandemiju COVID-19 potpuno nespremno. Ovo je rezultiralo sa do sada gotovo tri milijuna umrlih te nesagledivim društvenim i gospodarskim posljedicama.
S obzirom da će se i u budućnosti nastaviti trend sve učestalije pojave i širenja emergentnih zoonoza, dosadašnja iskustva nam ukazuju da je potrebno uspostaviti nove sustave odgovora na ovakve izazove. Jedini način je implementacija doktrine „Jednog zdravlja“ u svakodnevni rad stručnjaka različitih disciplina koji onda kroz blisku suradnju na regionalnoj i globalnoj razini mogu pronaći zajednički odgovor za buduće izazove u očuvanju zdravlja ljudi i životinja.
emergentne zoonoze, koronavirus, SARS, MERS, COVID-19
Abstract (english) Emergent zoonoses are appearing more and more frequently, and this trend is conditioned by the development of todays society. The most important factors of emergence include socio-demographic changes, climate change and human impact on the environment, as well as the adaptation of microorganisms. Such social and civilizational development trends will certainly continue, so it is important for public health at the global level to focus scientific research on such diseases.
A typical example of emergent zoonoses is the appearance of emergent coronaviruses that have caused SARS, MERS and COVID-19 in almost identical patterns in the last two decades. Coronaviruses cause diseases in various species of animals and humans, and are extremely prone to mutations, so that their interspecific transmission is a constant danger, which has been confirmed in the development of these diseases. Moreover, for all three causative agents, the reservoirs were bats and were adapted and successfully transmitted to humans via an animal species that acted as an intermediate host. They then continued to spread among humans causing diseases with primarily respiratory clinical signs and high mortality.
Despite the fact that this identical recurrent pattern of emerging coronavirus zoonosis was recorded in 2003. with the appereance of SARS and confirmed in 2012. with the appereance of MERS, and despite warnings from the world scientific community, the global health system and society as a whole welcomed the COVID-19 pandemic. This has resulted in almost three million deaths so far and incalculable social and economic consequences.
Given that the trend of more frequent occurrence and spread of emergent zoonoses will continue in the future, experience to date indicates that it is necessary to establish new systems for responding to such challenges. The only way is to implement the doctrine of "One Health" in the daily work of experts from different disciplines who can then, through close cooperation at the regional and global level, find a common answer to future challenges in preserving human and animal health.
emergent zoonoses, coronavirus, SARS, MERS, COVID-19
emergentne zoonoze
Keywords (english)
emergent zoonoses
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:979048
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Created on 2021-05-06 12:53:50