Title (english) The advancement of automobile industry and its effect on people
Author Nikola Anđelković
Mentor Goran Luburić (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zavišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Šipić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-10-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract Ovim radom pokušat ćemo prikazati i dokazati kako je, u pravilu, automobilska industrija postala jedna od najjačih i najuticajnijih industrija na svijetu. Sama pojava kotača bilježi ogroman rast tehnologije kao i sama želja čovjeka da se prevozi s jednog mjesta na drugo u što kraćem i bržem vremenskom roku. Stoga uloga i važnost automobila seže još u davnu 1886. godinu, kada je Benz kreirao prvi jednostavan motor i tako započeo streloviti razvoj automobila, a time i same industrije istih. Već sama pomisao da je čovijek „ovisan“ o automobilu i automobilskoj industriji vidi se kroz tehnologiju i napredak koji je automobil doživio. Industrija sama po sebi mijenja svoju politiku rada, uloge automobila čime dobiva sve veće značenje, nego da je samo prijevozno sredstvo. Automobil prestaje biti simbol luksuza i počinje sve veće ulaganje u njegov dizajn i motor, kako bi se omogućila još veću udobnost, ekonomičnost i sigurnost.
Ovaj rad, inspiriran, kako razvojem tako i sadašnjim stanjem u automobilskoj industriji, sastoji od 3 glavna dijela u kojima ćemo proći povijest automobilske industrije, uloge i važnosti automobilske industrije na globalnom tržištu, ekologiju atomobilske industrije i perspektivu razvoja automobilske industrije. Napredak tehnologije i posljedice ekonomske krize proći ćemo zajedno sa aferom „Dieselgate“ koja je ostavila veliki negativan utisak na automobilsku industriju i poljuljala tržišnu moć Volkswagenu. Rad je baziran na globalnoj razini i sažima problematiku masovne proizvodnje automobila, nastupanjem ekonomske krize koja je zahvatila svijet. Prokomentirati ćemo pojavu hibridnih vozila i njihov odraz na svijet, koliko je danas tehnologija zapravo napredovala i jesu li hibrodi budućnost ili će sve preuzeti električna vozila. I prije samog zaključka obradit ćemo temu tehnologije u budućosti, odnosno da li će se u budućnosti proizvoditi samovozeći automobili ili će se ostati na klasičnim tehnologijama automobila, ali sa električnim motorom i pokušat ćemo odgovoriti tko su zapravo glavni pokretaći ove ideje.
Abstract (english) With this work we will try to show and prove that, as a rule, the automotive industry has become one of the strongest and most influential industries in the world. The very occurrence of the wheel has a huge growth in technology as well as the very desire of a man to move from one place to another in the shortest time possible. Therefore, the role and importance of cars are still in place in 1886, when Benz created the first simple engine and thus began the striking development of the car and the same industry. Already the very thought of being "dependent" on a car and automotive industry is seen through the technology and progress that the car has experienced. The industry itself changes its work policy, the role of the car, which is gaining a greater meaning than it is just a means of transport. The car ceases to be a symbol of luxury and begins to invest more in its design and engine to allow even greater comfort, economy and safety.
This work, inspired by both the development and the current state of the automotive industry, consists of the three main sections in which we will pass on the history of the automotive industry, the role and importance of the automotive industry on the global market, the atomic industry ecology and the development perspective of the automotive industry. Progress of the technology and the consequences of the economic crisis will go along with the "Dieselgete" affair, which has left a big negative impression on the automotive industry and the market power of Volkswagen. The work is global-based and summarizes the problem of mass production of cars, featuring the economic crisis that has affected the world. We will comment on the appearance of hybrid vehicles and their reflection in the world, how much technology has progressed today, whether it is a future problem or whether it will take over all electric vehicles. And before we come to the conclusion, we will discuss the future of technology, whether it will be in the future to produce self-proclaimed cars or stay on the classic car technology but with an electric motor and try to answer who are the main drivers of this idea.
automobilska industrija
gospodarski učinci
Keywords (english)
automotive industry
economic effects
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:167932
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-11-05 10:09:01