Abstract | Glazba je važan čimbenik identiteta svake društvene zajednice. Slušajući zvukove i tonove, koji su više ili manje harmonično povezani, čujemo glazbu, osjećamo je i doživljavamo stvarajući različite zvučne slike. Čovjek živi uz glazbu kao medij od svojih prapočetaka do danas. Na prenošenje i razvoj glazbe, instrumenata i notacije utjecali su brojni vanjski faktori-ratovi, seobe, politika, ekonomija, industrijalizacija, visoka tehnologija, crkva. Poznate ličnosti koje primarno ne povezujemo uz glazbu, a znatno su utjecale na njezin razvitak su vladari, vojskovođe, matematičari, filozofi, učitelji. Osim vanjskih i povijesnih čimbenika izuzetan utjecaj na naš glazbeni odabir imaju roditelji, okolina u kojoj živimo i ono što je najvažnije, mi sami.
Svako razdoblje stvaralo je različite glazbene stilove, a glazbeni stilovi obilježavali su različita povijesna razdoblja, prenosili se generacijama i pridonosili oblikovanju pojedinca i zajednice, kao i utvrđivanju vlastitog identiteta unutar zajednice, stvaranja osjećaja pripadnosti i zadovoljstva. Čovjek još od doba antike, s jedne strane, teži racionalnom. Želimo unijeti red, organizirati i razumjeti glazbu isto kao i državu, odnosno društvo, no ponekad je potrebno potpuno, intuitivno prepuštanje glazbi kao mediju i emocijama koje glazba donosi, poput starih Rimljana. Ljudi se povezuju u grupe u želji da ostvare vlastite potrebe. Zbližavanju unutar grupe pridonosi spoznaja da pojedinci istu glazbu doživljavaju i osjećaju na sličan način, ne poznajući pri tom nužno sve procese klasificiranja i stvaranja glazbe. |
Abstract (english) | Music is an important factor in the identity of any community. Listening to the sounds and notes that are more or less harmoniously interwoven, we are able to hear the music, feel and experience it by creating different sound images. People have been living with music as a medium since the beginning of humankind. Numerous outside factors have impacted the transmission and development of music, musical instruments and notations, such as wars, migrations, politics, economics, industrialization, high technology and the church. Famous persons, e.g., various rulers, military leaders, mathematicians, philosophers and teachers, have significantly impacted the development of music, irrespective of the fact that we do not primarily associate them with music. Except the influence of external and historical factors, our parents, the environment in which we live and, most importantly, we ourselves have the most significant impact when it comes to our music preferences.
Each historical period created its own musical style, and different historical periods were marked by different musical styles. These styles, which were passed down through generations, contributed to the shaping of individuals and of communities. They also helped in forming an individual’s own identity within a particular community, and in creating a sense of joy and belonging. On the one hand, ever since the antiquity, humankind has been striving toward rationality. We want to bring order to things, and thus we want to organize and understand music, the same as we do with the state, i.e., society. However, sometimes it is also necessary to become fully and intuitively immersed in the medium of music and in the emotions that it invokes, just like the ancient Romans did. People organize themselves in groups in order to meet their individual needs. Bonding within a group is increased by the fact that individuals experience and enjoy the same music in a similar way, whereby they do not necessarily need to be familiar with all the processes of classifying and making music. |