Title Ponašanje turista i lojalnost turističkoj destinaciji
Author Amalija Kiš
Mentor Mateja Petračić (mentor)
Mentor Božidar Jaković (komentor)
Committee member Rikard Bakan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božidar Jaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mateja Petračić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Virovitica University of Applied Sciences Virovitica
Defense date and country 2022-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Turisti kao potrošači na turističkom tržištu postaju sve zahtjevniji zbog raznolike ponude koja im se nudi, iz tog razloga teže im je udovoljiti nego prije. Pružatelji turističkih usluga moraju voditi brigu da pruže najbolju moguću uslugu sa najvećim stupnjem kvalitete kako bi utjecali na turistovo zadovoljstvo, zadržali ih i učinili lojalnim. Na zadovoljstvo turista utječu brojne komponente, koje je potrebno mjeriti i ispitivati, kako bi im se znalo pružiti ono što oni žele, jer su gosti najvažniji dionici u turističkom procesu, zbog njih se sve događa i potrebno ih je gledati kao pojedince koji će vratiti duplom mjerom. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati važnost postizanja zadovoljstva gostiju, jer ono treba biti kruna turističkog poslovanja i cilj marketinških napora, zadovoljnim klijentom dolazi se već na korak do njegove lojalnosti koja donosi brojne prednosti i koristi, od konkurentskih prednosti, manje osjetljivosti na cijenu do manjih troškova oglašavanja jer zadovoljni klijenti prenose svoje pozitivno iskustvo drugima i tako privlače nove posjetitelje u destinaciju, bez da pružatelji turističkih usluga ulažu nove napore. Provedeno je istraživanje kako bi se shvatilo korisnikovo razmišljanje, koji elementi utječu na njihovo zadovoljstvo ili nezadovoljstvo u turističkoj destinaciji, kako bi se prikazalo koliko je važno slušati potrebe i želje svojih gostiju jer time se mogu poboljšati eventualni problemi koji su doveli do nezadovoljstva. Važnost provođenja takve vrste ispitivanja je u velikoj mjeri, jer anketni upitnik je najlakši način za dolazak do potrebnih informacija i o potrebama i željama korisnika.
Abstract (english) Tourists as consumers on the tourist market are becoming more and more demanding due to the diverse offer offered to them, for this reason it is more difficult to satisfy them than before. Tourist service providers must take care to provide the best possible service with the highest level of quality in order to influence the tourist's satisfaction, retain them and make them loyal. The satisfaction of tourists is influenced by numerous components, which need to be measured and examined, in order to know how to provide them with what they want, because guests are the most important stakeholders in the tourism process, because of them everything happens and they need to be seen as individuals who will return double measure. The goal of this paper is to show the importance of achieving guest satisfaction, because it should be the crown of tourism business and the goal of marketing efforts, a satisfied client is already one step closer to his loyalty, which brings numerous advantages and benefits, from competitive advantages, less price sensitivity to lower costs advertising because satisfied clients pass on their positive experience to others and in that way attract new visitors to the destination, without tourism service providers making new efforts. Research was conducted to understand the user's thinking, which elements affect on their satisfaction or dissatisfaction in a tourist destination, in order to show how important it is to listen their needs and wishes, as this can improve any problems that led to dissatisfaction. The importance of carrying out this type of research is great, because a survey questionnaire is the easiest way to get the necessary information about the needs and wishes of the users.
briga o gostu
Keywords (english)
guest care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:165:236267
Study programme Title: Management: Destination Management, Management of Small and Medium-Sized Enterpriseses; specializations in: Destination Management, Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Course: Destination Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Virovitica University of Applied Sciences Repository
Created on 2023-01-19 10:14:56