Author Martina Goršić
Mentor Tihana Cegur Radović (mentor)
Committee member Draženka Birkić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvija Vitner Marković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihana Cegur Radović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zinka Mikešić Skukan (član povjerenstva)
Granter Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (Business Department) Karlovac
Defense date and country 2023-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U današnje vrijeme briga za okoliš je počela biti imperativ kako bi se on očuvao. Čovjek postaje
sve svjesniji svog utjecaja na prirodu i okoliš, koji se znatno promijenio eksploatacijom i
degradacijom prostora, uništavanjem šuma, izgradnjom urbanističkih gradova, emisijom
štetnih plinova, napretkom industrije i ostalim utjecajima koji su se negativno odrazili na
okoliš. Industrijalizacija je itekako važna za gospodarstvo, ali uz napredak industrije dolazi i
narušavanje ekosustava. Nezainteresiranost za očuvanje okoliša predstavlja jedan od najvećih
problema današnjice, ponajviše u gospodarstvu. S druge strane, postoji ekološka svijest koja
potiče poduzeća da svoje poslovanje usmjere ka očuvanju prirode. Implementacijom održivog
razvoja i zelenog načina razmišljanja u poslovanju, smanjuje se negativan utjecaj na okoliš, a
time se poboljšava zdravlje čovjeka i kvaliteta života. Poduzeća koja odluče poslovati održivim
načinom, pridržavaju se propisanih zakona i standarda koji daju veliki poticaj u širenju svijesti
za očuvanje okoliša, ali i na strukturiran način pristupanju velikom problemu u gospodarstvu,
također od velike važnosti je napomenuti i konkurentnost na tržištu ukoliko poslovanje
obuhvaća održivi način poslovanja. Jačanje ekološke svijesti mijenja i način razmišljanja
potrošača, što dovodi do promjene mentaliteta i stvaranje „zelenih“ potrošača. Takvi potrošači
su spremni odvojiti više novca i platiti veću cijenu za proizvod ili uslugu koji su prikazani kao
ekološki prihvatljivi. Na ovom tržišnom segmentu počiva pojam i koncept „zelenog
marketinga“, koji predstavlja zadovoljavanje potreba ekološki osviještenih potrošača. U
turizmu, uloga marketinga je od izuzetne važnosti, jer turizam ovisi o okolišu iz razloga što ga
istodobno koristi kao najveći i najvrjedniji resurs. Implementacija koncepcije zelenog
marketinga u turizam je ključna zbog masovnog turizma koji svojim bujanjem direktno ostavlja
negativne posljedice na okoliš, te narušava održivost i degradira atraktivne destinacije. Ovaj
rad će obrazložiti utjecaj zelenog marketinga u turizmu kroz inicijativu hotelskih poduzeća
koja su odlučila implementirati održivost i zeleno poslovanje kako bi turizam bio što
dugoročnija djelatnost, dok pritom čuva okoliš i čini ga održivim.
Abstract (english) Nowadays, care for the environment has become imperative in order to preserve it. People are
becoming more and more aware of his impact on nature and the environment, which has
changed significantly due to the exploitation and degradation of space, the destruction of
forests, the construction of urban cities, the emission of harmful gases, the progress of industry
and other impacts that have had negative impact on the environment. Industrialization is also
important for the economy, but with industrial progress comes ecosystem disruption. Lack of
interest in environmental protection is one of the biggest problems today, especially in the
economy. On the other hand, there is environmental awareness that encourages companies to
direct their operations towards nature conservation. By implementing sustainable development
and a green way of thinking in business, the negative impact on the environment is reduced,
thereby improving health and quality of life. Companies that decide to do business in a
sustainable way, adhere to the legal acts and standards that give a great incentive in spreading
awareness for environmental protection, but also approach a major problem in the economy in
a structured way. It is of great importance to note competitiveness on the market if the business
includes sustainability. Strengthening environmental awareness also changes the way
consumers think, which leads to a change in mentality and the creation of „green“ consumers.
Such consumers are willing to give more money and pay a higher prices for product or service
that is presented as environmentally friendly. The term and concept of „green marketing“ rests
on this market segment, which represents meeting the needs of environmentally conscious
consumers. In tourism, the role of marketing is extremely important, because tourism depends
on the environment and simultaneously uses it as the largest and most valuable resource. The
implementation of the concept of green marketing in tourism is crucial because of mass
tourism, which directly leaves negative consequences on the environment and damages
sustainability with degrading attractive destinations. This thesis will explain the impact of
green marketing in tourism through the initiative of hotel companies that decided to implement
sustainability and green business in order to make tourism a long-term activity, while
preserving the environment and making it sustainable.
zaštita okoliša
zeleni marketing
održivi razvoj
zeleni turizam
zeleni hoteli
Keywords (english)
environmental protection
green marketing
sustainable development
green tourism
green hotels
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:128:843959
Study programme Title: Business Administration Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica poslovnog upravljanja (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica poslovnog upravljanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Karlovac University of Applied Sciences
Created on 2023-11-15 09:47:56