Author Edi Srakić
Mentor Ivica Šnajder (mentor)
Committee member Dinko Zima (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Šnajder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Jakobović (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytehnic in Pozega Požega
Defense date and country 2020-04-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Voćarstvo u Republici Hrvatskoj je krajem prošlog stoljeća osjetno palo u proizvodnji voćnih sorti. Među najpopularnije i uzgajanije vrste može se svrstati jabuka, kruška, maslina, višnja i trešnja, smokva o čemu se govori u samom završnom radu. Za uzgoj voćaka je bitno odabrati brežuljkasti položaj blagog nagiba kako bi se osigurali svi potrebni uvjeti i izbjegle štete od hladnog zraka, posebice u zimu. Uzgoj suptropskog voća može se pridonijeti smanjenu uvoza, dok se višak može osigurati za izvoz sorti. Na taj način pridonosi se ekonomskoj isplativosti gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske. Tradicionalne sorte nisu dovoljno zastupljene u uzgoju zbog raznih bolesti, nametnika te skladišne sposobnosti gospodarstva. U svakom od tih područja postoje mogućnosti racionalnog iskorištavanja komparativnih prednosti proizvoda i prostora. Uzgojem na plodnim područjima moguće je postići visoku kvalitetu plodova koja se može koristit u svrhu prehrane (džemovi, pekmezi, rakija) ili za proizvodnju prirodnih sokova. U završnom radu je grafički prikazano stanje voćki kroz godine po hektarima i tonama. Nekolicina voćnih vrsta je porasla u proizvodnji, no najveći porast se može vidjeti u ekološkoj poljoprivredi. Odumire klasičan način poljoprivrede i nastupa ekološka poljoprivreda, a s time se ujedno budi u ljudima zdrav način prehrane. Zbog navedenih prednosti voćnih sorti one čine važan dio prirodne i kulturne baštine, dok sama područja u kojima rastu i uzgajaju se je vrlo važno očuvati. Ekološki uvjeti su bitna stavka kako bi voćarstvo i dalje uspijevalo, a u konačnici se ekonomski isplatilo za cjelokupno gospodarstvo Republike Hrvatske
Abstract (english) At the end of the last century, fruit growing in the Republic of Croatia fell significantly in the production of fruit. Among the most popular and cultivated species are apple, pear, olive, cherry and cherry, a fig that is discussed in the final paper. For the cultivation of fruit it is important to choose a hilly gentle slope position to ensure all necessary conditions and avoid damage from cold air, especially in winter. Growing subtropical fruits can contribute to reduced imports, while surpluses can be provided for the export of varieties. In this way, it contributes to the economic viability of the economy of the Republic of Croatia. Traditional varieties are not sufficiently represented in cultivation due to various diseases, pests and storage capacity of the economy. In each of these areas there are opportunities to make rational use of the comparative advantages of products. Growing in fertile areas makes it possible to achieve high quality fruits that can be used for nutritional purposes (jams, jam, brandy) or for the production of natural juices. The final paper presents graphically the condition of the fruit through the years in hectares and tons. Some fruit species have grown in production, but the largest increase can be seen in organic farming. The classical way of agriculture is dying out and organic farming is emerging, and at the same time it awakens healthy people's diet. Due to the advantages of fruit varieties, they form an important part of the natural and cultural heritage, while the areas where they are grown are very important to preserve. Environmental conditions are an essential element in order for fruit growing to continue to thrive, and ultimately pay off economically for the entire Croatian economy.
ekonomska isplativost
Keywords (english)
fruit growing
economic viabilit
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:112:337579
Study programme Title: Viticulture and Fruit-growing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka vinogradarstva- vinarstva-voćarstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka vinogradarstva- vinarstva-voćarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository of Polytechnic in Pozega
Created on 2022-06-03 07:29:39