Title Pristupi i metode istraživanja rizosfere
Author Daria Erić
Mentor Željka Zgorelec (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zgorelec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Milan Poljak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Romić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Department of General Agronomy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-12-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Rizosfera je biološki najaktivniji sloj tla koji se nalazi uz korijen i pod njegovim je izravnim utjecajem. Od okolnog tla se značajno razlikuje po kemijskim, fizikalnim i biološkim svojstvima. Rizosfera predstavlja iznimno složen i dinamičan okoliš u kojem se simultano odvijaju brojne interakcije između korijenja, otopljenih tvari, organskih spojeva, minerala, plinova i (mikro)organizama. Ti procesi utječu na rast i razvoj korijena, efikasnost primanja hranjiva i vode, te posljedično i na produktivnost biljaka. Poljoprivredna proizvodnja uvelike ovisi o razumijevanju procesa u rizosferi. Istraživanja rizosfere predstavljaju izazov u smislu eksperimentalnog dizajna i metodologije, prvenstveno zbog složenosti navedenih procesa koji se odvijaju na mikro razini. Pristup procesima i pojavama in situ je ograničen s obzirom da se odvijaju ispod površine. Usprkos ogromnom napretku u razvoju metoda u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća pronalazak odgovarajućih eksperimentalnih postava za istraživanje rizosfernih procesa još uvijek predstavlja veliki izazov. Ovaj pregledni rad kritički procjenjuje dostupnu literaturu i raspravlja o pristupima i metodama istraživanja rizosfere, s naglaskom na tehnike vizualizacije rizosfernih procesa. U prvom dijelu rada predstavljen je pristup rizosferi i opis njezinih svojstava, prilikom čega su obuhvaćene metode uzorkovanja rizosfernog tla, sakupljanja eksudata korijena i otopine rizosfernog tla. Raspravljeni su različiti eksperimentalni sustavi pogodni za upotrebu u poljskim i laboratorijskim uvjetima, sa navedenim pregledom prednosti i ograničenja pojedinih metoda. Praćenje rizosfernih procesa pomoću izotopa tema je drugog dijela rada, dok je treći dio posvećen tehnikama vizualizacije rizosfernih procesa. One uključuju prikaz najsuvremenijih metoda kemijskog i neinvazivnog snimanja, te snimanja pomoću izotopa i mikroorganizama. Trenutno je razumijevanje rizosfernih procesa nepotpuno, pa je naglašena potreba za korištenjem kombiniranih pristupa koji imaju potencijal razriješiti složene procese u rizosferi.
Abstract (english) The rizosphere is the most biologically active volume of soil around plants roots that is influenced by their activities. Due to the influence of roots, the rhizosphere differs from bulk soil significantly in its chemical, physical, and biological characteristics. The rhizosphere represents an extremely complex and dynamic environment where numerous interactions occur simultaneously between roots, solutes, organic compounds, minerals, gases and (micro)organisms. These processes affect root growth and development, efficiency of nutrients and water uptake, and consequently the productivity of plants. Agricultural production heavily depends on understanding the rhizosphere processes. Rhizosphere research is a challenging task in terms of experimental design and methodology because of complexity of these processes occurring at a micro-scale. In particular, access to study these processes and phenomena in situ is limited as they occurring below-ground. Despite tremendous progress in method development in the past decades, finding suitable experimental setups to investigate rizosphere processes still represents a major challenge. This review paper critically assesses available literature and discusses approaches and methods of rhizosphere research, with emphasis on visualization techniques of rhizosphere processes. In the first section access to rhizosphere and description of its properties is presented, covering methods for sampling rhizosphere soil and collection of root exudates and rhizosphere soil solution. Various experimental systems suitable for use under field and laboratory conditions are discussed, with an overview of main advantages and limitations of a certain method. Tracing rhizosphere processes with isotopes is the topic of the second section, while the third section is devoted to visualization techniques of rhizosphere processes. They include a presentation of cutting-edge methods of chemical, non-invasive, isotope and microbial imaging. Currently, the understanding of rhizosphere processes is incomplete, emphasising the need for using combinatorial approaches that have great potential to unravel complex rhizosphere processes.
rizosferni procesi
eksudati korijena
otopina tla
tehnike vizualizacije
Keywords (english)
rhizosphere processes
root exudates
soil solution
visualization techniques
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:777509
Study programme Title: Organic Agriculture with Agrotourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka ekološke poljoprivrede i agroturizma (magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka ekološke poljoprivrede i agroturizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2017-01-18 13:53:52