Title Triangularni fibrokartilaginozni kompleks i fizioterapija
Title (english) Triangular fibrocartiage complex and physiotherapy
Author Magdalena Habota
Mentor Jasminka Potočnjak (mentor)
Committee member Željko Jeleč (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasminka Potočnjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Herak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Physiotherapy) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Trokutasti kompleks vlaknaste hrskavice je struktura u zapešću. Ozljeda ili rascjep ovog područja može uzrokovati bol na vanjskoj strani zapešća i ograničiti njegov raspon pokreta. Kompleks trokutaste fibrokartilaginoze (TFCC) je mreža ligamenata, tetiva i hrskavice koja se nalazi između kosti ulne i radijusa na strani malog prsta zapešća. TFCC stabilizira i ublažava zapešće, osobito kada osoba rotira ruku ili njome nešto uhvati. Zbog svoje strukturne složenosti, TFCC je osjetljiv na oštećenja, a ozljede su česte.
TFCC rupture obično uzrokuju bol duž vanjske strane zapešća. Ostali simptomi mogu uključivati: ukočenost ili slabost u zglobu, bol prilikom dodirivanja ili pomicanja zgloba, ograničen raspon pokreta u ruci ili zapešću, oticanje zgloba i zvuk škljocanja ili pucanja pri pomicanju zgloba.
TFCC ruptura je svaka ozljeda ili oštećenje TFCC-a. Postoje dvije vrste TFCC ruptura: Tip 1. Ove su ozljede posljedica fizičke ozljede, kao što je kada osoba previše ispruži ili preokrene zapešće, ili kada padne na ruku s ispruženom rukom. Tip 2. Također se nazivaju i kroničnim ozljedama, pojavljuju se postupno i mogu biti posljedica oštećenja uzrokovanih starenjem ili temeljnog stanja, kao što je giht ili reumatoidni artritis. Točna klasifikacija TFCC ruptura važna je za usmjeravanje odluka o liječenju.
Fizioterapeut može preporučiti nošenje udlage, proteza ili gipsa za zaštitu i imobilizaciju zapešća. Liječnici mogu propisati lijekove protiv bolova kako bi se smanjila bol i oteklina. Fizikalna terapija također može biti korisna za neke ljude s TFCC ozljedama. Fizioterapeut će voditi osobu kroz nježna istezanja, vježbe i prilagođene aktivnosti za ozlijeđeno zapešće koje imaju za cilj: smanjiti bol i oticanje, poboljšati fleksibilnost i raspon pokreta i povećati snagu.
Za osobe s teškim ili trajnim TFCC ozljeda, liječnik može preporučiti operaciju. Jedna od kirurških opcija je vrsta minimalno invazivnog zahvata koji se naziva atroskopije. Tijekom atroskopije, operater će napraviti niz malih rezova na vanjskom rubu zapešća, što im omogućuje popravak oštećenja TFCC-a. Ponekad također mogu skratiti ulnu kako bi ublažili simptome. Zglob mora ostati imobiliziran do 6 tjedana nakon operacije.
Abstract (english) The triangular fibrocartilage complex is a structure in the wrist. An injury or tear to this area can cause pain on the outside of the wrist and limit its range of motion. The triangular fibrocartilaginous complex (TFCC) is a network of ligaments, tendons, and cartilage located between the ulna and radius bones on the little finger side of the wrist. The TFCC stabilizes and cushions the wrist, especially when the person rotates the hand or grasps something with it. Because of its structural complexity, the TFCC is susceptible to damage, and injuries are common.
TFCC ruptures usually cause pain along the outside of the wrist. Other symptoms may include: stiffness or weakness in the joint, pain when touching or moving the joint, limited range of motion in the hand or wrist, swelling of the joint, and a clicking or popping sound when moving the joint.
A TFCC rupture is any injury or damage to the TFCC. There are two types of TFCC ruptures: Type 1. These injuries are the result of a physical injury, such as when a person overextends or twists the wrist, or falls on the arm with the arm outstretched. Type 2. Also called chronic injuries, they occur gradually and can be the result of damage caused by aging or an underlying condition, such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis. Accurate classification of TFCC ruptures is important to guide treatment decisions.
A physiotherapist may recommend wearing a splint, brace or cast to protect and immobilize the wrist. Doctors may prescribe pain medication to reduce pain and swelling. Physical therapy may also be beneficial for some people with TFCC injuries. A physical therapist will guide a person through gentle stretches, exercises, and customized activities for the injured wrist that aim to: reduce pain and swelling, improve flexibility and range of motion, and increase strength.
For people with severe or permanent TFCC injuries, a doctor may recommend surgery. One of the surgical options is a type of minimally invasive procedure called arthroscopy. During arthroscopy, the operator will make a series of small cuts on the outer edge of the wrist, which allows them to repair the damage to the TFCC. Sometimes they can also shorten the ulna to relieve symptoms. The joint must remain immobilized for up to 6 weeks after surgery.
TFCC ozljede
liječenje TFCC-a
Keywords (english)
TFCC injuries
TFCC treatment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:172601
Study programme Title: physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) fizioterapije (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University North Digital Repository
Created on 2022-10-20 17:33:08