Title Utjecaj glazbe na djecu s teškoćama autističnog spektra
Title (english) The influence of music on children with autistic spectrum disabilities
Author Lana Urh
Mentor Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin (mentor)
Mentor Đeni Zuliani (mentor)
Committee member Breza Žižović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Paula Gortan-Carlin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đeni Zuliani (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branko Radić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Educational Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2017-10-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract „Glazba je otkriće veće od sve mudrosti i filozofije.“ (Ludvig van Beethoven)
Primitivan čovjek je glazbom smirivao duhove, a danas se provode istraživanja o utjecaju glazbe na fiziološke funkcije čovjeka. Razvojem holističkog pristupa i svijesti o medicini, došlo je do uključivanja glazbe u suvremene koncepte tretmana u psihoterapiji. Glazbu se sve više cijeni i koristi prvenstveno u područjima fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije. Jedan je od najboljih načina smirivanja i opuštanja, potiče na rast i razvoj, pospješuje komunikaciju i govor, razvija kreativnost i motoriku, a također je dokazano da glazba pozitivno utječe na inteligenciju pojedinca. Promatrane su reakcije djece na slušanje glazbe, pojašnjeno djelovanje odgojitelja prilikom provođenja glazbene aktivnosti. Istraženo je djelovanje glazboterapije na čovjeka kao i utjecaj pojedinih elemenata skladbe. Opisani su razni oblici glazboterapije koja se najčešće provodi s osobama s poteškoćama u razvoju. Termin „poteškoća u razvoju“ podrazumijeva urođena ili stečena oštećenja koja mogu biti različite vrste i stupnja. Poremećaji autističnog spektra su uvršteni u neurorazvojne poremećaje u ranoj dječjoj dobi. Podrazumijevaju kvalitativno oštećenje socijalnih odnosa i komuniciranja, stereotipne obrasce ponašanja i smanjen interes, nespecifične probleme kao što su strahovi, fobije, agresija, autoagresija i drugi. U radu s djecom potrebno je što više koristiti glazbene aktivnosti jer djeca imaju potrebu za gibanjem, izmjenom statičkih i dinamičkih aktivnosti, stoga terapija glazbom potiče kod djece uključenost cijeloga tijela i tako doprinosi zdravlju i kvaliteti života. Također potiče i socijalizaciju, emocionalni razvoj te predstavlja svrhovitu i ugodnu aktivnost. Upravo iz tog razloga su glazbene aktivnosti važan čimbenik u radu s djecom s poteškoćama autističnog spektra. Prilikom svake aktivnosti s djecom s poteškoćama autističnog spektra se treba prvenstveno voditi njihovim razvojem i napretkom. Glazba bi trebala biti sveprisutna u aktivnostima koje se provode u odgojno – obrazovnim ustanovama.
Abstract (english) „Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.“ (Ludwig van Beethoven)
The prehistoric man used music to appease the spirits, and today research is being conducted on the influence of music on physiological functions. With the development of the holistic approach and the increased awareness of the importance of medicine, music started being included in contemporary concepts of treatment in psychotherapy. Music is increasingly appreciated and used in the areas of physical medicine and rehabilitation. It is one of the best ways of calming and relaxing, stimulating growth and development, enhancing communication and speech, developing creativity and motor skills. It has been proved that music has a positive impact on an individual’s intelligence. For the purposes of this work I have observed children’s reactions to music and clarified the work of primary preschool teachers in musical activities. The work explores the effects of music therapy on an individual, as well as the effects of individual elements of a musical composition. Various forms of music therapy are described, which are most often aimed at people with developmental difficulties. The term "developmental difficulty" denotes congenital and acquired damage of various types, causes and degrees. Autistic spectrum disorders are classified as neurodevelopmental disorders which appear in early childhood. The symptoms include deficits in social communication and social interaction, stereotypical patterns of behavior, restricted interests, and non-specific problems such as fears, phobias, aggression, auto-aggression and others. While working with children it is necessary to use music as much as possible, because children have a distinct need to move and change between static and dynamic activities. Thus music therapy engages the entire body of the child, contributing to health and the quality of life. Music also encourages socialization, emotional development, and is a purposeful and enjoyable activity. For these reasons musical activities are an important factor in working with children with autistic spectrum disorders. In activities with children with autistic spectrum disorders, emphasis should be put on the child's development and progress. Music should be ever-present in activities that are carried out in educational institutions.
glazbena terapija
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:454140
Study programme Title: Preschool Education Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) predškolskog odgoja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Digital Repository Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Created on 2018-01-10 11:00:34