Title Najpoznatije ličnosti grada Pule u doba Austro-Ugarske
Title (english) The most famous personalities of the city of Pula during the Austro-Hungarian empire
Author Sanela Veljković
Mentor Slaven Bertoša (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Gržinić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slaven Bertoša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Department of Interdisciplinary, Italian and Cultural Studies) Pula
Defense date and country 2018-12-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract U radu se razmatraju najpoznatije ličnosti grada Pule koje su ţivjele u doba austro – ugarske vladavine. Priroda problema leţi u očuvanju njihove ostavštine koja je diktirana od strane gradske vlasti, a koja je sve više podloţna razaranju njihovih doprinosa i zaboravu njihovih imena. Cilj istraţivanja jest proučiti najvaţnije ličnosti tog doba, upoznati njihove posebnosti u vidu osobnih karakteristika te obuhvatiti one najzasluţnije na jednom mjestu. Plan čitavog rada sastoji se od trinaest glavnih poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju osvrćemo se na same početke vladavine i njihove najzasluţnije predstavnike bitne za razvoj grada. Drugo poglavlje se odnosi na najznačajnije predstavnike ratne mornarice u činu admirala, viših časnika i mornaričkog zrakoplovstva. Znanstveno – istraţivačka pomorska putovanja, kao treće poglavlje, govore o dva najznačajnija predstavnika te vrste i njihovom doprinosu znanstvenim istraţivanjima prilikom pomorskih putovanja. Četvrto poglavlje vezano je za dva predstavnika inţenjerstva koji su svojim radom pridonijeli brzom razvoju i usponu grada te prepoznatljivosti ratne luke u svijetu. Peto poglavlje se odnosi na istraţivanja i doprinose u astronomiji, čiji su predstavnici zasluţni za prva svemirskih otkrića i svojim su radom, otkrićima i publikacijama doveli Pulu u sam vrh znanstveno – astronomskog kruga. Najplodonosniji arhitekti u Puli, čija se izdanja vide do danas, opisani su u šestom poglavlju koje donosi kratku skicu njihovih postignuća i arhitekturne savršenosti. Najznačajnije poduzetnike i njihove sposobnosti da prepoznaju ulog u vidu vlastitih potencijala i ulaganja, opisujemo u sedmom poglavlju. Osmo poglavlje je posvećeno najpoznatijim puljskim dobrotvorima i donatorima koji su, kroz obrise vlastite ličnosti i suosjećanja, bez imalo sebičnosti, darovali gradu Puli velike vrijednosti. Deveto poglavlje se odnosi na knjiţevnost i najznačajnije predstavnike tog vremena koji su boravili u Puli kratko vrijeme, ali dovoljno da se do danas njima ponosimo. Deseto poglavlje govori o povjesničaru i arheologu koji je proučavao, istraţivao te na kraju objedinio arheologiju, epigrafiju, povijest i zemljopis, kao i ostale grane koje su nam bitne za upoznavanje tog vremena kao i vremena prije austro – ugarske vladavine. Na uglednike grada Pule se osvrćemo u jedanaestom poglavlju, a oni su priznati od strane pučanstva i svojim su radom i pojavom utjecali na društvo. Dvanaesto poglavlje se odnosi na narodne preporoditelje kojima je najbitnija uloga bila da se očuva kulturno nasljeĎe hrvatskog i slavenskog naroda. Trinaesto poglavlje završava se s najznačajnijim predstavnicima fotografije.
Abstract (english) The paper studies the most well-known figures living in the city of Pula during the Austro-Hungarian rule. The essence of the issue lies in the preservation of their legacy, which is dictated by the city's authorities, but is increasingly subject to destruction of their contributions as their names are fading into oblivion. The purpose of the research is to study the most important figures of that time, to learn about their particularities in terms of personal characteristics, and to encompass the most deserving ones in one place. The paper is structured in thirteen main chapters. The first chapter addresses the very beginnings of the Austro-Hungarian rule and their most meritorious representatives who were relevant for the development of the city. The second chapter relates to the most important Navy and Naval Aviation representatives holding the rank of admiral and high ranking officers. Marine scientific research, as the main topic of the third chapter, is addressed through its two most important representatives and their contribution to scientific research conducted during maritime journeys. The fourth chapter presents two engineers whose work contributed to rapid development and growth of the city and its global visibility as a major naval port. The fifth chapter refers to the research conducted in Pula and its contributions to astronomy, whose authors were particularly responsible for the first astronomical discoveries and their work, discoveries and publications positioned Pula among the highest rating cities in terms of science of astronomy. The most productive architects, whose works can still be seen throughout Pula, are presented in the sixth chapter outlining their achievements and architectural excellence. The most significant entrepreneurs and their ability to realise the importance of investing their own capabilities and resources are introduced in the seventh chapter. The eight chapter is focused on the most well-known philanthropists and charitable donors who donated significant assets to the city of Pula, driven merely by their own sympathetic personality traits and compassion, without any selfishness. The ninth chapter refers to literature and its most important representatives of that time who resided in Pula briefly, and yet left a permanent legacy that we still take pride in. The tenth chapter elaborates on the historian and archaeologist who studied, researched and eventually linked archaeology, epigraphy, history, geography and other disciplines that are relevant for an understanding of those times as well as the times preceding Austria-Hungary's presence in the area. The most prominent citizens of the city of Pula are presented in the eleventh chapter, as people who were highly respected by the local inhabitants for their actions and contributions to the society. The twelfth chapter presents the national revivalists whose most important role was to preserve the Croatian and Slavic folk cultural heritage. The thirteenth chapter concludes with the most important people in photography.
Austro – Ugarska
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:323908
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Digital Repository Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Created on 2019-04-11 12:04:45