Title Zarazni peritonitis mačaka i napredak u liječenju
Author Ivona Ćorić
Mentor Vladimir Stevanović (mentor)
Committee member Vladimir Stevanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Josipa Habuš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vilim Starešina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljubo Barbić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-10-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety
Abstract Zarazni peritonitis maĉaka je virusna zarazna bolest uzrokovana mutiranim sojem maĉjeg
koronavirusa. Bolest se ĉešće razvija u skupno drţanih maĉaka kao što su maĉke iz
uzgajivaĉnica i skloništa. Uĉestalost je veća u maĉića i mladih maĉaka. Virulencija i infekcijska
doza ovise o serotipu i biotipu virusa. Jednom kada se razvije bolest zaraznog peritonitisa
maĉaka smrtnost je vrlo visoka. Primarne izvore infekcije predstavljaju bolesne maĉke i maĉke
kliconoše, a sekundarne izvore ĉine kontaminirani predmeti. Bolest se najĉešće širi horizontalno,
neizravnim kontaktom. Izmet sadrţi visoke koncentracije maĉjeg koronavirusa, pa je tako
fekalno-oralni put prijenosa najĉešći. Inkubacijsko razdoblje moţe trajati od dva dana pa do
nekoliko mjeseci. Razlikujemo dva kliniĉka oblika bolesti: mokri i suhi. Mokri oblik bolesti
odlikuje nakupljanje tekućine u tjelesnim šupljinama, a suhi oblik stvaranje granuloma. Najĉešće
se ne moţe napraviti ĉvrsta diferencijacija izmeĊu ova dva oblika bolesti, već se radi o
kombinaciji istih, a to potvrĊuje patoanatomski i patohistološki nalaz. Zaţivotna dijagnostika
bolesti je komplicirana i ĉesto teško provediva. Naime, pouzdana dijagnoza se postavlja tek
vizualizacijom virusa imunohistokemijskim bojanjem uzoraka tkiva. S ozbirom na invazivnost
metode i ĉesto lose opće stanje maĉaka oboljelih od zaraznog peritonitisa, takva pretraga se
obiĉno provodi tek post mortem. Nemogućnost postavljanja sigurne zaţivotne dijagnoze bolesti,
nedostatak jedinstvenog dijagnostiĉkog testa te vrlo visoka smrtnost rezultiraju ĉinjenicom da
veterinari nevoljko postavljaju sumnju na bolest zaraznog peritonitisa maĉaka. Nadalje, s
obzirom na nedostatak etiološke terapije i vrlo lošu prognozu bolesti, većina maĉaka se nakon
postavljanja sumnje na bolest eutanazira. MeĊutim, novija istraţivanja antivirusnih lijekova,
meĊu njima ponajprije nukleozidni analozi, pokazuju obećavajuće rezultate lijeĉenja zaraznog
peritonitisa. Do danas je provedeno nekoliko istraţivanja koja su pokazala visoku uĉinkovitost
lijeĉenja zaraznog peritonitisa nukleozidnim analogom GS 441524. Istraţivanja su pokazala
njegovu uĉinkovitost u lijeĉenju i mokrog i suhog oblika bolesti, a pri tome lijek nije pokazivao
toskiĉnost za organizam. Problem leţi u ĉinjenici da je nukleozidni analog GS 441524,
tvorniĉkog imena Remdesivir tvrtke Gilead Sciences trenutno tek uvjetno odobren za lijeĉenje
ljudi tijekom pandemije koronavirusa. Nedostupnost lijeka veterinarskom trţištu, nemogućnost
postavljanja sigurne zaţivotne dijagnoze bolesti te još uvijek nedovoljna informiranost šire
struĉne javnosti o uĉincima lijeĉenja bolesti su rezultirale zastojem u napredtku lijeĉenja
zaraznog peritonitisa maĉaka.
Abstract (english) Feline infectious peritonitis is a viral infectious disease caused by a mutated strain of feline
coronavirus. The disease is more common in group held-cats like those from the kennels or the
shelters. The frequency is higher among kittens and young cats. The virulence and infectious
dose depend on the virus biotype and serotype. Once the feline infectious peritonitis has become
clinically overt the mortality rate is extremely high. The primary sources of infection are sick
cats and carriers and the secondary sources of infection are contaminated objects. The disease is
spread mainly horizontally, by indirect contact. The faecal-oral route of transmission is the most
common way of transmission because the faeces contains a high amount of feline coronavirus.
The incubation period can last between two days and a couple of months. Two different forms of
the disease have been distinguished: the wet and the dry form. The wet form is characterized by
the accumulation of fluid in the body cavities and the dry form with granulomatous lesions. Most
often, a firm differentiation cannot be made between these two forms of the disease and that is
furthermore confirmed by the pathoanatomical and patohistological findings. Diagnosing the
disease during life is often complicated and difficult to carry out. A reliable diagnosis is
established by the visualization of the virus in the samples of the tissue by
immunohistochemistry. Considering the invasiveness of the method and often the poor health of
the cat, immunohistochemistry is usually performed post mortem. The impossibility of
establishing a reliable diagnosis of the disease ante mortem, the lack of definitive diagnostic tests
and a high mortality rate have caused reluctance among veterinarians to make a definitive
diagnosis even in obvious cases. Furthermore, considering lack of etiological therapy and the
poor prognosis of the disease, most cats are euthanized. More recent research on antiviral drugs,
among which, primarily nucleoside analogues, has shown promising results in treating feline
infectious peritonitis. To date, several studies have been conducted that have shown the high
efficiency of the treatment of feline infectious peritonitis with nucleoside analogue GS 441524.
The research has proven its efficiency in treating both forms of the disease while at the same
time the drug did not show toxicity. The problem lies in the fact that the nucleotide analogue GS
441524, sold under the factory name Remdesivir, made by company Gilead Sciences is currently
licenced only for use in the treatment of humans. Unavailability of the drug for veterinary use,
difficulty in making a reliable diagnosis ante mortem and insufficient awareness of veterinary
practitioners of advances in feline infectious peritonitis treatment have led to a halting in the
progress of the treatment of the disease.
zarazni peritonitis maĉaka
maĉji koronavirus
Keywords (english)
eline infectious peritonitis
feline coronavirus
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:125611
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Created on 2022-10-10 08:48:46