Sažetak | Ovaj rad istražuje dodirnu točku filozofije i književnosti u problemu metafizike prisutnosti kroz analizu tog filozofskog koncepta u kontekstu književnih tekstova Samuela Becketta. Beckett je prepoznat kao jedan od najvažnijih autora 20. stoljeća, a njegovi tekstovi obuhvaćaju niz egzistencijalnih motiva, ontološki fragmentirane likove i metanarativne elemente kojima u književni tekst unosi filozofske ideje 20. stoljeća, ali i povijesti filozofije općenito. Radom je postavljen teorijski okvir ispitivanja problema dihotomije prisutnosti i odsutnosti, s prikazom glavnih autora i ključnih ideja u promišljanju te dihotomije, s naglaskom na misli francuskog filozofa Jacquesa Derridaa i njegov projekt istraživanja granica jezika, tekstualne i govorne komunikacije te zapadne metafizike koja je dotad prednost davala prisutnosti kao epistemičkoj i ontološkoj osnovi. Taj je teorijski okvir zatim iskorišten za analizu tri Beckettova romana, popularno nazivana Beckettovom „trilogijom“, pomoću kojih je razmotreno pitanje identiteta književnog lika: Molloy, Malone umire, Neimenjivi. Isto je učinjeno i na Beckettovim dramskim tekstovima, od kojih su za analizu odabrani Krappova posljednja vrpca, Koraci i Ne Ja kao poznati, ali ne toliko kanonski priznati primjeri Beckettovog dramskog pisanja. U kontekstu metafizike prisutnosti, u radu je analiziran i problem prostora i vremena kao dviju kategorija koje, prema nekim filozofskim teorijama također spomenutima u radu, čine uvjet ljudskog iskustva i spoznaje, a u Beckettovim su tekstovima ispitane i postavljene na Beckettu svojstven način te čine još jednu značajnu karakteristiku i vrijednost njegovih tekstova. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper explores the touchpoint between philosophy and literature in the problem of the metaphysics of presence through the analysis of that philosophical concept in the context of Samuel Beckett's literary texts. Beckett is recognized as one of the most important authors of the 20th century, and his texts include a number of existential motifs, ontologically fragmented characters, and metanarrative elements, with which he brings into the literary text philosophical ideas of the 20th century, as well as the history of philosophy in general. This paper sets up a theoretical framework for examining the problem of the dichotomy of presence and absence, with a presentation of the main authors and key ideas in the reflection of this dichotomy, with an emphasis on the thoughts of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida and his project of researching the boundaries of language, textual and spoken communication, and Western metaphysics, which until gave an advantage to presence as an epistemic and ontological basis. This theoretical framework is then used to analyze three of Beckett's novels, popularly called Beckett's "Trilogy", through which the question of the identity of the literary character is discussed: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable. The same was done on Beckett's dramatic texts, from which the following were selected for analysis: Krapp's Last Tape, Footfalls and Not I, as well-known, but not so canonically recognized, examples of Beckett's dramatic writing. In the context of the metaphysics of presence, this paper also analyzes the problem of space and time as two categories which, according to some philosophical theories also mentioned in the paper, form the condition of human experience and cognition, and in Beckett's texts they are examined and set in a Beckett-specific way and form another significant feature and value of his texts. |