Sažetak | Materijali i metode: U ovo retrospektivno istraživanje su uključeni svi pacijenti koji su obavljali ambulantnu fizikalnu terapiju u razdoblju od 19. ožujka do 11.svibnja 2020., te svi pacijenti koji su obavljali ambulantnu fizikalnu terapiju u istom razdoblju 2021. godine. Pretraživana je baza podataka s uvidom u medicinsku dokumentaciju te prikupljeni sljedeći podatci: dob, spol, tip dijagnoze te broj pacijenata.
Rezultati: Ukupan broj pacijenata u ispitivanom razdoblju u 2020. godini bio je 526, dok je u istom razdoblju 2021. godine broj pacijenata bio 2504. Bilježi se statistički značajan porast broja pacijenata u 2021. godini koji je 4,76 puta veći od broja pacijenata u 2020. godini. Prema spolu, u obje godine, su najzastupljenije ženske pacijentice. U 2020. godini u ispitivanom razdoblju broj ženskih pacijentica bio je 302, odnosno 57,41%, dok je broj muških pacijenata bio 224, odnosno 42,59%. U 2021. godini bilo je 1669 ženskih pacijentica, što iznosi 66,65%, dok je muških pacijenata bilo 835, što iznosi 33,35%. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na spol. Prema starosnoj dobi u 2020. godini prosjek godina bio je 54,41 godina, dok je medijan 57 godina. U 2021. godini prosjek starosne dobi je 55,77 godina, dok je medijan 57 godina. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. U 2020. godini u ispitivanom razdoblju medijan starosne dobi za muške pacijente je 53 godine dok je za ženske pacijentice 58 godina. U 2021. godini medijan starosne dobi za muškarce je 55 godina, dok je za žene 58 godina. U 2020. godini najčešći tip dijagnoze spada pod kategoriju ,,Ozljede, trovanja i određene druge posljedice s vanjskim uzrokom '' s učestalošću od 43,73%. U 2021. godini najčešći tip dijagnoze spada pod kategoriju ,,Bolesti mišićno-koštanog sustava i vezivnog tkiva'' koja je utvrđena u 61,58% pregledanih pacijenata.
Zaključci: U ispitivanom razdoblju 2021. godine došlo je do statistički značajnog porasta u broju pacijenata u odnosu na 2020. godinu. Najčešći tipovi dijagnoza su različiti za 2020. godinu i 2021. godinu. Najčešći tip dijagnoze u 2021. godini odgovara statistici najčešćeg tipa dijagnoze u fizikalnoj medicini i rehabilitaciji prije pandemije što znači da se uz pridržavanje epidemioloških mjera te stjecanje imuniteta cijepljenjem ili preboljenom COVID-19 infekcijom kvaliteta života vraća na približnu razinu kvalitete života prije COVID-19 pandemije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the difference between the types of diagnoses and the number of patients who performed outpatient physical therapy in the period from March 19. to May 11., 2020. compared to the same period in 2021.
Materials and methods: This retrospective study includes all patients who performed outpatient physical therapy in the period from March 19. to May 11. 2020., and all patients who performed outpatient physical therapy in the same period in 2021. A database with access to medical documentation was searched and the following data were collected: age, sex, type of diagnosis and the number of patients.
Results: The total number of patients in the study period in 2020. was 526, while in the same period in 2021. the number of patients was 2504. There was a statistically significant increase in the number of patients in 2021., number of patients was 4.76 times higher than in 2020. According to gender, female patients were the most represented in both years. In 2020., the number of female patients was 302 (57.41%), while the number of male patients was 224 (42.59%). In 2021., there were 1669 female patients (66.65%), while there were 835 male patients (33.35%). A statistically significant difference was found with respect to gender. According to age, in 2020. the average age was 54.41 years, while the median was 57 years. In 2021., the average age was 55.77 years, while the median was 57 years. No statistically significant difference was found. In 2020., the median age for the male patients was 53 years while for the female patients it was 58 years. In 2021., the median age for men was 55, while for women it was 58. In 2020., the most common type of diagnosis falls under the category of "Injuries, poisonings and certain other consequences with an external cause" with a frequency of 43.73%. In 2021., the most common type of diagnosis falls under the category "Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue", which was determined in 61.58% of examined patients.
Conclusions: In the examined period of 2021. there was a statistically significant increase in the number of patients compared to the same period of 2020. The most common types of diagnoses are different for 2020. and 2021. The most common type of diagnosis in 2021. corresponds to the statistics of the most common type of diagnosis in physical medicine and rehabilitation before pandemic started, which means that with the adherence to the epidemiological measures and the acquisition of immunity either by vaccination or COVID-19 infection quality of life is coming back to the similiar level as it was before COVID-19 pandemic. |