Sažetak | Azil se smatrao kao utočište gdje pojedinac može biti slobodan od svog progonitelja. Pojam
azila se protezao kroz cijelu povijest civiliziranog društva. Protekom vremena je
međunarodna zajednica definirala što je azil, koje vrste azila postoje, razlozi zbog kojih ga
netko može tražiti kao i način zaštite takvih osoba. Azil je vrsta međunarodne zaštite koja se
pruža osobama koje traže zaštitu izvan svoje države podrijetla jer su progonjene zbog rasnih,
vjerskih, nacionalnih i političkih uvjerenja te postoji opasnost za njihov život i slobodu.
Tražitelj azil ima pravo tražiti azil u drugoj državi (državi prihvata), ali država prihvata
samostalno odlučuje hoće li taj azil odobriti ili odbaciti, a to će ovisiti ispunjava li osoba
potrebne uvjete. Države na temelju svoje suverenosti imaju pravo odlučiti o tome kome će
pružiti azil i pod kojim uvjetima, u skladu s vlastitim nacionalnim zakonodavstvom i
međunarodnim obvezama. Tražitelj azila ima mnoga prava koja su mu zajamčena
međunarodnim ugovorima poput pristupa sustavu azila i pristupa teritoriju. Postoji i zabrana
protjerivanja ili vraćanja kao i zabrana kažnjavanja ako tražitelj azila uđe na nezakoniti način
u državu od koje traži azil. Ipak, postoje mjere za ograničavanje slobode kretanja kao neki
oblik kažnjavanja, no one bi trebale biti više iznimka nego pravilo, a te iznimke propisane
nacionalnim zakonodavstvom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Asylum has been considered a sanctuary where an individual can be free from their
persecutor. The concept of asylum has extended throughout the history of civilized society.
Over time, the international community has defined what asylum is, the types of asylum that
exist, the reasons why someone may seek it, and the manner in which such individuals are
protected. Asylum is a form of international protection provided to individuals who seek
refuge outside their country of origin because they are persecuted due to their race, religion,
nationality, and political beliefs, and there is a threat to their life and freedom. An asylum
seeker has the right to seek asylum in another country (the receiving state), but the receiving
state independently decides whether to grant or reject that asylum, and it depends on whether
the person meets the necessary requirements. States, based on their sovereignty, have the right
to decide to whom they will provide asylum and under what conditions, in accordance with
their own national legislation and international obligations. An asylum seeker has many rights
guaranteed by international treaties, such as access to the asylum system and access to
territory. There is also a prohibition on expulsion or return, as well as a prohibition on
punishment if an asylum seeker enters a country from which they are seeking asylum in an
unlawful manner. However, there may be measures to restrict freedom of movement as a form
of punishment, but these should be exceptions rather than the rule, and such exceptions
defined by national legislation. |