Sažetak | UVOD: Spolno prenosivo bolesti su zarazne bolesti koje se prenose bilo kojim oblikom spolnog kontakta. Spolno prenosivo bolesti su javnozdravstveni, globalni problem zbog epidemijske proširenosti, mnogobrojnih komplikacija, kao i golemih troškova koje zdravstveni sustav i pojedinci izdvajaju za njihovo liječenje. CILJ: Prikazati ulogu medicinske sestre u provedbi edukacije za prevenciju spolno prenosivih bolesti na svi razinama zdravstvene zaštite. RASPRAVA: Prema statističkim podatcima broj spolno prenosivih bolesti raste kako u svijetu tako i u Hrvatskoj. Vodeći razlozi takve situacije jest nedostatak edukacije i nedovoljne prevencije istih u populaciji, a naročito prema rizičnim skupinama kao što su adolescenti. Obradom ove teme željela bih prikazati epidemijsku i kliničku sliku spolno prenosivih bolesti, njihovu etiologiju, posljedice za oboljelog, njegovu okolinu, dijagnostiku i liječenje te kao ključno prevenciju spolno prenosivih bolesti. Visok rizik za spolno prenosive bolesti jesu adolescenti koji formiraju svoju spolnosti i seksualnost. Prema podatcima svjetske zdravstvene organizacije svakog dana više od milijun ljudi u svijetu oboli od neke vrste spolno prenosive infekcije. Većina takvih infekcija je asimptomatske i maskirane kliničke slike što pogoduje širenju infekcije i ovakvim zabrinjavajućim brojkama s kojim se svijet suočava. Pravodobnom prevencijom među rizičnim skupinama i populacijom možemo uvelike utjecati na spolno prenosive bolesti, naročito na njihovo rano prepoznavanje, liječenje te prekida lanca širenja bolesti. Ranom prevencijom, edukacijom i detekcijom spolno prenosivih bolesti možemo uvelike utjecati na sprječavanje komplikacija i posljedica koje spolno prenosive bolesti mogu izazvati kod pojedinca te njegove okoline. ZAKLJUČAK: Uloga medicinske sestre u prevenciji spolno prenosivih bolesti je od ključne i velike važnosti. Ona svojim kompetencijama kao što su: znanje, vještine i stavovi, uvelike može doprinijeti prevenciji spolnih bolesti, edukaciji mladih i ranjivih skupina, te naposlijetku samoj dijagnostici i liječenju spolno prenosivih bolesti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | INTRODUCTION: Sexually transmitted diseases are infectious diseases that are transmitted by any form of sexual contact. Sexually transmitted diseases are a public health, global problem due to the epidemic spread, numerous complications, as well as the huge costs that the health system and individuals allocate for their treatment. OBJECTIVE: To present the role of the nurse in the implementation of education for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases at all levels of health care. DISCUSSION: According to statistical data, the number of sexually transmitted diseases is increasing both in the world and in Croatia. The leading reasons for such a situation are the lack of education and insufficient prevention of the same in the population, especially among risk groups such as adolescents. By processing this topic, I would like to show the epidemic and clinical picture of sexually transmitted diseases, their etiology, consequences for the patient, his environment, diagnosis, and treatment, and as a key prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Adolescents who are forming their sexuality and sexuality are at high risk for sexually transmitted diseases. According to data from the World Health Organization, every day more than a million people in the world get sick from some kind of externally transmitted infection. Most of such infections are asymptomatic and masked clinical pictures that favor the spread of infection and such alarming figures that the world is facing. Through timely prevention among risk groups and the population, we can greatly influence sexually transmitted diseases, especially their early recognition, treatment, and interruption of the chain of spread of the disease. Through early prevention, education, and detection of sexually transmitted diseases, we can greatly influence the prevention of complications and consequences that sexually transmitted diseases can cause in the individual and his environment. CONCLUSION: The role of the nurse in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is crucial and of great importance. With her competences such as: knowledge, skills, and attitudes, she can greatly contribute to the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, the education of young and vulnerable groups, and finally to the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. |